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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
Page 10
Jesus Christ has already RESTORED that Government of GOD on earth
in a limited degree through THIS CHURCH!
Adam fell before Satan and rejected
Government of God, God
said to Adam, in effect:
"Adam, you are the father of the WHOLE WORLD-­
who shall be born generation after generation from YOU. You have rejected
for yourself AND for your FAMILY (the whole world) my Government. So GO,
form your own human governments. You and your children will be swayed
and led by Satan in the kind of governments you will form. They will
really be SATAN'S governments--NOT MINE!"
And so, look at the governments in this world. There has been autoc­
racy, imperialism, republicanism, democracy, communism, fascism. All
Satan's governments. Actually, whether we like to admit it or not, the
government of California is part of that Satanic system. Satan controls
restored to a very limited part of this earth through the Worldwide Church
of God.
Look at the national government of the U.S. President Carter suf­
fered AGONY in a landslide defeat. Ronald Reagan enjoyed ECSTACY! But
his OPPONENT whom he had fought, and who fought against him, calling him
a warmonger, had to suffer AGONY.
That's the way it is in Satan's world.
One ENJOYS the exhilaration of winning only by causing his antagonist to
SUFFER AGONY. But four years ago Jimmy Carter enjoyed ECSTACY. Did he
have sympathetic pains because Gerald Ford then suffered AGONY? Of course
Satan's government from Rome sought to put Jesus to death. Jesus
DID NOT HAVE TO SUBMIT because He did no wrong. He WOULD NOT have sub­
mitted, either--except for YOU--and ME! He only submitted in order to
take the penalty of your sins and mine on Himself and pay that penalty
FOR US in our stead!
Paul was arrested. They wanted to try him before a kangaroo court
in Jerusalem, where he would automatically have been FALSELY judged
"guilty." Paul DID NOT SUBMIT. He appealed to Caesar at Rome. We did
not submit. We appealed to the California Supreme Court and were on our
way up to that court when the California Legislature debated on passing
a bill NULLIFYING the law on which the Attorney General was going to
DESTROY God's Church and God's Government!
We did not get into the politics of that legislature bill--directly.
But I wrote ads--FULL-PAGE NEWSPAPER ADS--and Mr. Rader got them in
Sacramento newspapers--and Mr. Rader went to Sacramento and went on TALK
SHOWS on TV and radio, going to the public about our case--and we know
all this did have some influence in the California lawmaking body
RESCINDING the law on which the Attorney General based his whole un­
constitutional case falsely against God's Church.
Those ministers then at the TOP, who wanted to "cave in" and go
with Satan in DESTROYING the Government and the Church of GOD are no
longer in the Church. God showed me definitely what He wanted me to do.
I FIRED the top two men who pleaded with me with raised voices to "cave
in"--and I excommunicated them from the Church of GOD!