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Jesus Christ was "hearing" that temptation as Satan was trying to
it into His mind every day that He lived.
But this made the difference: He was so close to God and He knew
will of God so that when Satan was pouring in opposite things, he
rejected it right there. He never dwelt on it and never let it
conceive and take root· in Him. He never allowed temptation to turn
into sin. That's the difference between Christ and us; we have done
it. But we have an Advocate who can understand what it means to be
human. He understands our frailties. He knows our weaknesses. He
is a forgiving God. And if we'l� only turn back to Him, he will still
put out his arms and receive us and love us, and you can't imagine how
much the love of God can come into your minds and your hearts and how
MUCH He can love you. God loves His church!
Now I've been sort of shouting out at you today because
think we
have to have it. But God is love. And I love you all, and
want you
to love me. But sometimes it calls for some plain speaking. Some­
times a parent has to speak that way to his children and directly
or indirectly you're all my children in the Lord. And now
have to
speak to you as a father sometimes would•••.
But always there is Satan who is the prince of the power of the air and
he's broadcasting and getting through to our minds -- not in words nor
in pictures like radio or television,but he's putting impulses -­
attitudes of vanity, of trying to do our own thing, of self-exalta-
tion, of competition, (and there's even been competition among the
ministers) but we've got to have cooperation together. And
want to �
tell you that the ministers at the helm today are as one cooperating �
unit. And we're going to continue to have that cooperation. Anyone
that will not cooperate will be talked to and then if he isn't willing
to cooperate, he just won't be part of the team any longer. That's
I Peter 5:8-9 tells us how Satan is going about like a roaring lion
seeking whom he may devour. God is calling us to repentance and this
church needs to repent and it needs to go to its knees. Brethren, all
I can do is warn you. And that's why I've poured out my heart to you
today. I hope that we're going to begin to take this seriously. This
church has needed a shaking up.
I hope to see many of you here for Bible study Friday night and then
again next Sabbath when I will do two more television programs. I
already have done eight television programs that will start showing
a week from tomorrow on many stations and, as fast as we can get the
stations, the program will be aired coast to coast. People have said
that without radio this church would go down. Now with radio and
television it's going right on more powerfully than ever, brethren.
And you'll find that once our hearts are right, God will build this
church up.
If this church has not been growing -- and it has not been, the membe \
ship is even going down, not gainin9 -- then brethren, that ought to
warn you and it ought to wake us up. All we have to do is get our­
selves right with God, each one of us. I can only get myself right and ..
I can plead with you. But that's all that I can do. However, once