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we do it, I want to tell you that this church uill leap fo:itward bigger .
than it did for the first 35 years when it grew faster and'more
steadily than any organization I've ever heard of.
But God has withdrawn His blessings on this church. The work has not
been growing. The church has been even going down and losing ground. ()
There are not as many members today as there were a year ago. There
were not as many members then as there were the year before that. Now
the time has come for us to have a revival within our own hearts. It
ought to strike home to us and condemn us. It's our fault. And I'm
not just talking to you that I see here today, ?'m also talk�ng to the
other churches that will hear this on tape all over the world.
Unitedly, brethren, let's get on our knees and let's get back to
* * * * *
announced today (June 21) that he was deferring his scheduled trip to
Jerusalem until December 1, 1978. As previously reported, December
will mark the beginning of the eleventh year of close cooperation
between the Worldwide Church of God, Ambassador College, the A.I.C.F.,
and the government, people, and institutions of Israel. Mr. Armstrong
was invited to visit Israel in December, at which time the presiden�
and other dignitaries of the nation will honor Mr. Annstrong and the
Church for ten years of contributions in the educational and cultural
Mr. Armstrong has decided that the trip to Jerusalem could best be
combined with the December 1st events. This will enable him to devote
the entire summer to radio and television broadcasting, preaching,
writing, and other affairs of the Church. Mr. Armstrong plans to be
in Pasadena each week right through to the Feast of Tabernacles.
--Stanley R. Rader
NEW HWA RADIO & TV PROGRAMMING The editing of Mr. Herbert Armstrong's
first half-hour television program was completed on June 16. As with
any new endeavor, the first program took a great deal more time and
effort, since the crew was dealing with an entirely new product. For
example, a new logo or introduction had to be produced, as well as an
appropriate commercial and ending.
Both Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Rader seemed pleased with the results of the
first half-hour program, which will begin airing in July. Subsequent
programs should be markedly improved over the first. We will have both
3/4" video cassette and 1/2" Betamax tapes available for any minister
who would desire to see one of the half-hour programs. Film copies
are not available at this time. Send your requests to the TV Studio.
All monitors will receive updated information as new time slots are
purchased for the telecast of the new half-hour H.W.A. programming.
Hope to have a listing of radio and T.V. available for the next report.
We are presently preparing commercials for the proposed spot campaign
to begin sometime in July, advertising various booklets such as "Modern
Romans" and others. Perhaps advertising will also be considered for ()
the Plain Truth magazine. More on this as plans develop.
--John Lundberg, TV Production
TRUTH: We now have Mr. Herbert Armstrong's approval to proceed with
an additional 16-page biblical signature of copy for the PT!