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but he ended up with a thousand women and serving 't:tiel·r·-gods-! -- Many of··­
the kings of ancient Judah were like that. They started out alright ·
but they wound up wrong at the end. And I have seen that.
But the Eternal says, "Turn
backsliding children." And he·says_the
same thing to you today. "For I. am married unto you." Now he is not
married to us today, but he's engaged to us. It's virtually the same
thing only the marriage won't take place until we're made inunortal.
"And I will take you one of a city, and two of a family and will bring
you to Zion." Now that was what he- said to ancient Israel. But that
is a warning of what he is saying to us today.
Now then, � want you to go a little further. Notice in Hebrews the
3rd chapter, verse seven: "Wherefore as the Holy Spirit saith, To day,
if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provo­
cation." And in verse 12, "Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any
of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God."
That's exactly what we've been doing. And always it seemed that
people said alright, and then as time goes on they want to ease off.
Now God just said to take heed. And I'm telling you to also, but God
is using my voice to do it, so you'd better listen because it comes
from the Creator God. Do you tremble before the Word of God? I'm
giving it to you. You'd better tremble before these things. I am
frightened for you brethren. This church is in mortal danger!
We're slipping and we're getting on very dangerous ground and Satan is
winning that battle. But Christ is on the Father's throne and if we 0
are willing, he will restore everything into this Church and that's the
good�! Jesus Christ has awakened me to the condition of things.
Now maybe I was slumbering a little bit. Alright, I'-
ve repented if I
did. But I'm awake and I'm going to have the guts, if that's what it
takes, and the courage to tell you what needs to be said and if you
agree, you will save your own eternity; and if not, it will be a wit­
ness against you.
Now notice the 8th chapter of Hebrews and verse one: "Now of the things
which we have spoken, this is the sum: We have such a high priest
Lthey on!y had Moses back ther�7 ... Lbut7 we Ltodai7 have such a high
priest LChris!_l who is set on the right hand of the throne of God of
the majesty in the heavens." Then in the fourth chapter of Hebrews
beginning with the 14th verse on through the 16th: "Seeing then that
we have such a great high priest that is passed into the heavens, Jesus
the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession for we have not a high
priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities..•."
Look, I know I have been weak. I have not been perfect. But I know
that I can go to that throne of grace and Christ is there on His
Father's throne listening, and the Father is listening also. Christ
has gone through all of this just like I have. Now the difference is
that Christ was tempted in all points like we are, but He didn't sin.
But He had been tempted and He knows what it is like. It was not only
the ultimate temptation described in the 4th chapter of Matthew when
He'd fasted 40 days and 40 nights and the Devil came at Hirn. But
listen, the Devil gets at us through the human spirit that is in us and