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Now I was asked by a minister just the other day if I thought that our
work would come to an end and be finished within a year.
No, frankly, .
J don't.
But I don't know.
However, I do know this: apparently God
has been holding off things and delaying our coming to the end for at
least six, eight or more years.
Maybe it's because this church was
getting drowsy and He wanted to allow time for me to come to realize
it, and for you to realize it too, and wake up.
You'll find in the 7th chapter of Revelation how God sent an angel to
hold up what was going to happen -- the plagues that were coming -­
until He did something He wanted done.
That was the sealing in their
foreheads of the 144,000 and the innumerable multitude of all nations.
Now God can hold something up and there's an example of what he did.
On the other hand, Jesus said that when the time comes He will cut
everything short and make a speedy work of it.
These things can
happen so quickly that you would
't know it.
So you can't afford to
take chances.
All I can do is warn you and you can sit there and
ignore it and be caught like a rat in a trap•. That's up to you•••.
Now Moses was 80 years old when he started. And 40 years later, Moses'
strength of mind and force had not abated one iota. But his job was
finsished and God let him die and God buried him.
And now as I am like Moses older in years, God is still using me. But
that doesn't mean that I'm about to die tomorrow or next week. I think
God is going to keep me here until this work is finished. And as I
said, I've been brought back to try to wake you up, but there's st�ll �
another reason, and that's to finish the work around the world. And
God is going to give me the strength to do it....
What about some of you, brethren?
Do you refuse to acknowledge that
we've been lackadaisical and going along and taking it easy and begin­
ning to forget God?
Will you acknowledge that you have been lax in
your prayer life and in the study of the Bible?
God pleaded with ancient Israel.
Notice Jeremiah 3, beginning with
verse 12:
"Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say,
'Return thou backsliding Israel,' says the Eternal, 'and I will not
cause my anger to fall upon you.'"
And that's what he's saying to us
Now that was the congregation of Israel -- a type of us.
the things written about them were written for our learning and admoni­
tion on whom the ends of the world are come in the New Testament.
"And I will not cause mine anger to fall on you for I am merciful,
saith the Eternal, and I will not keep anger forever.
Only acknowledge
thine iniquity," and I say to you and I'm speaking by the authority of
Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ says to you through me now, only
acknowledge your
.lethargy, acknowledge your drowsiness and sleep and
that you have been getting away from God.
"Only acknowledge•.. that thou hast transgressed against the Eternal
thy God, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every greel)-... -,.._
tre � , and that ye have not obeyed my voice, saith the Eternal."
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Notice how Israel went until finally they were driven out into slavery •
They lost their first love.
Solomon started out like a whirlwind and
he just wanted wisdom so he could rule the people better and serve God,