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back at him.
He's serving in the Work and nobody has one iota of
evidence of anything wrong with him.
But people will slander and many
of you people have been swallowing.and believing a lot of that rot!
You better swallow the Word of God and believe that instead.
Now Christ sai.s here in verse 10, "Because thou hast kept the word of
my patience /been faithful to the word of Go�, I also will keep thee
from the hour of temptation which shall come upqn all the world, to
try them that dwell upon the earth."
In other words, the Great Tri­
Other translations say "I will keep thee from the Great
Tribulation" -- that we will not have to go through it.
That's what
I showed you in Revelation 12.
We are to have the two wings of a
great eagle to "fly;" but of course, that's symbolic language.
And I
don't know whether that means literal airplanes or what.
I will tell you one thing though.
Satan even gets some ministers to
try to criticize the fact that God has opened doors for me before Kings
and Presidents and Prime Minsiters and Emperors.
And they try to say
that's somehow all wrong.
I was supposed to be in Jerusalem on July
4th for the Inauguration of a big downtown city park.
And because we've
had something to do with the children's playground part of it, someone
(and a top minister at that) that "Mr. Armstrong wants to go over
and be there for the opening of a little kiddie park." Now that is the
kind of sarcasm, the kind of reflecting and accusing that is of Satan,
and I want you to recognize it for what it is when you hear it..
Let's quit this slander.
Let's quit this defamation of character.
Let's quit this character assassination.
Instead of saying I'm of
this and that and the other human leader, I say let's get back of
I say follow me as I follow Christ.
I've never asked you to
follow me any other way..-;-: -
I want to tell you, brethren, while I think of it, that there was a
picture I happened to see on television in this past week called "EARTH­
I don't know whether some of you happened to see it or not.
In the movie all of a sudden this earthquake hit just when people
least expected it.
It was a frightful picture; it showed the havoc,
buildings crashing down with the epicenter right beneath.
think it was supposed to be Los Angeles.
It was showing what an earth­
quake can be like; what could happen right here.
Here's the point brethren.
We go along day to day living carelessly,
each of us doing our own thing, and we don't realize that in the mean­
time Satan is very busy behind the scenes.
I used to trap a lot of rats when I was about nine years old.
And I
tell you those rats would get caught in that trap and they didn't know
until they were in it and it had snapped shut on them that they were
caught and couldn't get out.
That same thing is going to happen to many of you!
I am warning you
now, and some of you, in fact maybe most of you, will ignore it and
you'll just go on taking it easy and all of a sudden it's going to
Christ warned us that in such an hour as you think not, it
is going to happen.
We're very close to the end time.