Page 1707 - COG Publications

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Because of the change from Daylight Savings Time
to Standard Time, the sun sets earlier and College
employees only work until 4:00 p.m. on Fridays. For
this reason, please be sure to call for the Hotline
tape before 4:00 p.m. Friday so there will be some­
one available to play it for you.
Page 13
Quite often we are asked, "How is the mail doing?" Each week our mail
readers report the trends in the mail, showing the response of the brethren
and the impact of the Gospel message on the world. From time to time we
will give you an overview of the comments we receive. We think you will
find the present mail trends encouraging. Here is what the mail readers
are finding:
Every week many of the brethren express their heartfelt love and support
for God's chosen Apostle. Through Mr. Rader's visits to local churches,
they are getting to know more about Mr. Armstrong's daily life and work.
As a result, they appreciate even more deeply his dedication and sacrifice.
Mr. Armstrong's writings (and those of the other writers) continue to have
an impact. Many comment on the uniqueness of The PLAIN TRUTH and our lit­
erature. They are amazed at many of the truths God has revealed to Mr.
Armstrong; for example, the modern identity of Israel. Also, his book
TOMORROW...WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE continues to receive positive comments.
Members and co-workers look forward with anticipation to Mr. Armstrong's
monthly letters. They value the updates on prophecy. Commenting on the
September letter, readers were inspired by his love and concern for the
churches in Australia and around the world.
Listeners and viewers truly appreciate Mr. Armstrong's broadcasts and tele­
casts. They find the messages uplifting, encouraging, as well as informa­
The Bible study tapes on Paul's epistles are being enjoyed. Members
especially like Mr. Armstrong's comments about his personal experiences.
Comments of praise for God's ministry continue to come in. Members value
their ministers' dedication, loyalty, kindness and helpfulness. A number
of long-standing members have expressed gratitude for the Church being
back on track. And, almost every week we receive one or two letters from
a person who left the Church and is now coming back.
Brethren very much enjoy the ministerial visits from Pasadena, especially
those to smaller churches. They have been encouraged by the "State vs.
Church" film. Also appreciated are the special holy day visits.