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I'm in our motel now and had to sit down and write after seeing the
talent show and Young Ambassadors film. This has been one of the
most emotional and moving nights of my life. The youth of the future
in God's Church have such a special quality about them. Their talent
was pure and full of goodness. It's a wonderful thought that tomor­
row's world will be filled with nice, clean and good music and danc­
Mrs. Patricia Moody, Key West, FL
I want to thank you all for the very enjoyable, entertaining and up­
lifting show you presented for the brethren at the Feast. We at the
Rapid City feast site felt as though we were part of the �udience
too, and all sang along when those in the real audience did.
We enjoyed every song and the scenery and costumes were so well
planned. No wonder Mr. Armstrong was so enthusiastic for us all to
see the show. Quality entertainment is few and far between nowdays.
God's Spirit surely makes the difference. Thank you for your efforts.
Mrs. Charles Hillerson, Iowa
I am sorry that I did not write earlier, but anyway I know I just
had to write to you all for making my feast such a special one this
year by the lovely film presentation that you all made.
To me, the film was certainly the highlight of the feast activities
and God knows how much I have enjoyed it. It certainly was so
wonderful and marvelous that I can't find words to express myself.
I was very moved by the entire experience of watching you all singing
so happily on the beautiful lawns of the campus. And the dancing
was excellent too. Who could forget the awesomely beautiful dancing
in front of the lovely fountain? And all those songs from "Oklahoma,"
"Fiddler on the Roof," and "Sound of Music" (Edelweiss) were so zest­
fully sung. In fact, I can truly say there was never a dull moment.
As I have said, only God knows how much I have enjoyed the film. And
only God knows how much I thank him for it! To me, the sight of the
lovely people singing so happily and joyously amidst the marvelous
surroundings, was a message on "what the Kingdom of God will be like"
that was as powerful as any of the sermons I have heard.
So, thanks very much. May God bless you all richly as you continue
to make use of your considerable talents to serve Him and further
glorify His name.
Church Member, Malaysia