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Church members are excited about the newspaper ads. Several members of
the public have ended up requesting The PLAIN TRUTH and other literature
as a result of the ads.
One PT subscriber decided to specifically contrib­
ute toward the legal battle.
Finally, every week people write in to share accounts of their blessings
with Mr. Armstrong. Some mention having been miraculously healed.
describe how God has blessed them financially when they were faithfully
tithing. A few relate trials of faith due to extended unemployment or low,
fixed incomes, but show how God has always provided for them.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Words fail to express our love and appreciation to
the people of God's Church for your prayers and
positive response. Our son, Wayne, is still in a
coma, but is responding slowly. Please continue
to pray with us for God's intervention.
We count it one of our richest blessings to be in
this begotten family of God. We are overwhelmed
by your concern in our time of need.
Warm Christian love,
Jim Chapman family
Editor's Note: Wayne fell from a scaffold last
week while washing windows. The three-story fall
to the pavement below resulted in a severely
broken pelvis and other internal injuries, in­
cluding a bruised brain. Your continued prayers
are requested for his complete recovery.
We are pleased to announce that Mr. Herbert Armstrong's book, THE MISSING
DIMENSION IN SEX, and his totally new book, A VOICE CRIES OUT IN A WILDER­
NESS OF RELIGIOUS CONFUSION, will be published hardback, new style, very
shortly. Present plans call for distribution to the bookstores under the
Everest House name early next year. THE MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX is being
redesigned, but will contain the original text.
Mr. Herbert Armstrong
plans to offer this book in his semiannual letter at the end of this year.
Production of both books is underway at this moment, and printing quotes
are being reviewed for what will be another big job.