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Since all the members wanted the film screened again we showed it
again when Mr. and Mrs. Rod Matthews joined us for the second half
of the Feast.
We always pray for your health and strength.
In case my wife and I
visit the States for the Refreshing Program, we would love to meet
you both again.
With love, Your servant in Christ,
S. Kulasingam
Australian Grateful for Mr. Armstrong's Concern
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Greetings from Perth, Western Australia!
As a single member of the
Perth Church, I am writing to personally thank you VERY much for
sending Mr. Waterhouse to Australia.
By speaking to us on a Bible
(30/7/80), a Sabbath
(2/8/80) and again at the Feast of
Trumpets, we have been given a triple blessing of high quality
spiritual food!
Through Mr. Waterhouse, my sense of purpose and vision has been very
much strengthened and made much more meaningful.
It is amazing how
subtle and damaging the watering down process in God's Church had
There is now emerging a strange� more powerful sense of
purpose than ever before.
Mr. Waterhouse's visit has been very timely.
God certainly knows
best when and how to work through His trained servants. Praise
be to God for the tremendous way He is working through you.
again, thank you very much for your loving concern and care for us.
Noel Caro, Western Australia
Wants Feast Goers to Come Back
Dear Sir:
Am sending a donation of $40.00 to the Church.
This was
a nice group of Church members and they enjoyed themselves very much.
I hope to have the Worldwide Church members come to my place again.
Member Recounts Visit to Pasadena
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Pete Carmi, Wilson Hill
Resort, Osage Beach, MD
When I was visiting Pasadena two weekends ago I regret that, because
of our schedules, we two weren't able to have a friendly visit.
am now writing to express my feelings on the fine work you are doing
and how the Church and the College radiates love and warmth which
truly displays that God's Church is back on the right track.
I thank
Also all of our prayers were certainly answered concerning the
Attorney General dropping California's lawsuit against the Church.
I attended the Auditorium P.M. service and heard some well delivered
sermons, and while I was on campus, I was treated with much respect