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appreciated the documentary tape and the messages brought by Raymond
McNair and Curtis May. It was great to have persona.l contact with
Mr. Armstrong's G-II team.
LAKE CHARLES, LA., DENNIS DOUCET: The focus on the Work of the
corrunission and on God's Apostle, and the unfeigned unity that exists
from the top down has encouraged our people. Their hearts are in
the Work.
FT. WORTH, TX., BOB SMITH: Mr. Rader's conversion, baptism and
ordination have had significant impact upon the attitude of the
brethren toward him. His positive, obvious involvement with Mr.
Armstrong--as well as his burdening so much of the media pressure
--have had a tendency to remove much of the former enigmatic aura
which surrounded Mr. Rader. All were delighted with his fine update.
KANSAS CITY, KS., BRUCE GORE: Please express my appreciation to Mr.
Rader for an advance copy of his new book. I am really enjoying
reading it and have tried to whet the appetites of the brethren for
it. I feel this book is going to have an enormous impact on the
brethren by way of reassurance of the integrity, motivation and
talents of the man God's Apostle chose to be his personal assistant
in these last days.
LITTLE ROCK, AR., F. KELLERS: The people are excited about news
from the Refreshing Program. Happy to know that Pasadena is looking
again to God and the Bible, not knowledge of men.
CHICAGO, N.W., IL., ROY HOLLADAY: Attended the Refreshing Program
in Pasadena. This was really a spiritual high. A number of people
were sobered by Mr. Blackwell's sermon on baptism. I am counseling
5 or 6 for rebaptism.
DENVER, CO., RONALD KELLY: Everyone seems stable and fine--loyally
supporting Mr. Armstrong in all his work.
RESEDA, CA., R. CLONINGER: Having good response to the waiting room
program and newsstands--about 50% of the new subscriptions to PT
coming from newsstands.
Feast in India Heightened By Minister's Visit
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We in India want to thank you for the love and concern you have shown
in sending a minister to travel half the world to deliver the "Opening
Night Message" film. We have never had this privilege in the past.
Either the film came late or we had to use the old film.
::r. Rod Matthews, the only minister who traveled the fartherest for
the '80 Feast, disembarked at Bombay airport to hand deliver the film
and immediately left for Sri Lanka. Every one at the Feast was beneĀ­
fitted with the message from the Apostle of Christ.