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from one of your truly dedicated ministers, Mr. Carlton Green. He
even packed me a nice lunch before I took off on Tuesday. I felt
very wanted and appreciated.
I have a lot of love and respect for you as you have helped my f&mily
and me out many times as I was growing. As I have matured in the
Church, as did your children, I sometimes reminisce over the "good
old days" where there was a lot of love and deep concern among every­
one. I am now glad to see that we, as one body, united for one
reason, are reaffirming our great goal and the "good old'' memories
are alive again. I am also proud to see that you are among what is
left of the "good old" ministers and are still going strong. I
thoroughly enjoyed my visit and am proud to be a part of this Great
Lorraine Hitch, Tucson, AZ
Weekly Letter Comments
This week's comments show how readers of the October-November PLAIN TRUTH
have found the articles uplifting, factual and helpful. Also, new and
prospective members share their thrill and excitement in becoming a part
of God's Church.
Finally, students at Ambassador College are expressing
gratitude for their opportunities and for the new direction the College
has taken under Mr. Armstrong's leadership.
October-November PT Well Received
This latest issue of The PLAIN TRUTH (October-November) is really a
"bomb." It is a real eye opener to all who will listen to the truth
of the Gospel message. You editors and writers are really doing your
job. It is marvelous how you present, among other things, the plain
truth about the current political scene without being a bit facetious
or unpatriotic, showing good, complimentary photos on the front page
and being completely impartial to any of the principles.
James Pollard (Bentonville, AR)
I really enjoyed the article in the October-November Plain Truth
magazine concerning race riots and the failure of the courts to
punish the criminal.
The Jury system has a real problem when it has to deal with the facts
of a case. Most juries don't listen to all the evidence given to
I also want to thank you for the many other
sent. They have been an inspiration to me.
you how much that information has benefited
71 years old and I can think very clearly.
articles that you have
I can't begin to tell
me in my years. I am
Linus Ferguson (Akron, OH)
I just want to thank you firsthand for telling the world the plain
truth about that Miami riot! Surely the voice and blood of McDuffie
cries out from the grave to thank you for justice, at least by way
of the printed truth. You (Mr. Armstrong) being a man of God, a