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Church firmly back on the track! There was certainly no attitude
of division and suspicion, but a spirit of unity and togetherness.
The dedication of all the instructors was evident--and they did not
teach their own ideas but the truths God has put into His Church
through you, His Apostle.
What a change as well in the students, especially their appearance,
friendliness and concern for God's Work. Thank you once again for
a wonderful three weeks.
Andre and Eliza van Belkum
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
The Ministerial Refreshing Program has been terrific! The men
conducting the program are representing you well and are following
your example of putting in long hours of cheerful service and hard
work. The politics and games are over now and it is clear that the
ministry is more united than ever and deeply committed to doing our
respective parts in backing you up and representing you as loyal
ministers of Jesus Christ. Thanks for your guidance in this program.
It is a means to the end as described in I Corinthians 1:10: "that
there be no division among you; but that you be perfectly joined
together in the same mind and in the same judgment."
Ron Lohr
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you so much for the opportunity to come out on the Refreshing
It is such a blessing for the wives to be able to be with
our husbands and to learn all the many ways to serve God's people
better. Thanks again, Mr. Armstrong, for the beautiful example you
have set for all of us.
Patty Lohr
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I'd like to deeply thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the
most recent Ministerial Refreshing Program. It has been the greatest
shot in the arm, spiritually speaking, that I've received in a long
time. I graduated a few years ago at a time when Ambassador College
was not teaching the truth as God had revealed it to you. In three
weeks, I was able to be as firmly grounded in God's truth as in the
two and one-half years previously spent at Ambassador.
Godspeed, Mr. Armstrong, as you follow God's lead to finish the Work.
We are behind you 100%.
Michael Grovak
Dear Mr. Tkach:
This is just a feeble attempt to express our appreciation for all
that you have done to make our stay at Ambassador College as profit-
3ble and enjoyable as it has been.