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AVoice Cries Out:
with Science
The No. 1 problem in our sick
world is human
Whatbrought us to this supreme
Are we fiddling
while the whole world is
burning? Ignoring the
CAUSES of frightening world
troubles will not somehow just
cause them to go away'
A madman in some place other than
\111scow or Wa:--hington C1)uld now <.et
ntf the ...l CLEAR explosion that could
era-.e all mankind from the earth� \,\'e
cannot atford to bet nur lives that we
can TRLST the humans v.ho CrJu/d wdl ht'
J.fraid to trigg:er that world cosmocide'
Again I sa..
- , there has to he a rA1
for even· etf · ect. Uealin� with effects
cannot solve the :'.\rn.
I pruhlem nt
human 5urvi\al� l'ntil CAl'�Es are re­
moved. survival of humanity han�s in
the balancel \\'hat CA\ :-:r.n the present
:-.upreme crisis in this country and the
\\'e have co\ered a quick overview of
education and of government. Now we
fo<'US on modern science and technolo­
gy-later on hu�iness and industry, on
nrJ,:"anized labor and on religion. These
are the basic facets of civilization that
have made it what it is. Where have the . \
gone wrong
Our :20th-centurv world has looked
with awe at and technol
ogy. They have been "1-iewed as the
modern messiah to deliver the world
from ignorance. poverty, disease and
unhappinf"ss---lo solve all world prob­
Teamed with business and industry,
science and technology have promised the
magic push-button dreamworld of the
three Ls.-leisure, luxurv and license
Teamed with modern ed�cation. science
has led us to believe we have matured
bevond the need of God---we mav now
ely throw away the crutch of re.
These modern advances will provide all
needs and banish all evils.
Hut what is the TRt TH
\1odem science has faile,d utterlv to
reveal the purpose uf human life.
Hplain it,-
incredible potential.
1 \\'ith
modern educ - atlnn it remains in igno
ranee of the TRI F. \AU F.S' It does not
know the wa\ to n
..11,n: whether world
peace ht-tween nation:,:, or peace in the
home and fam11\ unit. It has failed
miserablv to deii... er 1he world from
illiteracy, po... . ert'.1-', famine. disease. fears
and worries. frustrations. unhappiness'
It has not cured immoralit\.', hroken
homes, rrime. insanity - rather these
have m0unted
A tree is kno14.-n hv its fruits. A realistic
look at modern science and technology
leads onh· to disillusionment. Their
attention is confined to the realm of the
material and the mechanical. But prob­
lems and evils are spiritual in nature.
Peace, happiness and joy are spiritual
values_ Yet these basics of human welfare
are not their concern. The
human potential is outside their field
Looking further at their fruits we do
find acceleratlng
mechanical de\ices. lahor--;a\"ini;:: mech�
anisrns, �pectacular entertainment and
amusement prnductinns
But, then, we obser\'e the failure to
teach pt>ople tn put added hours. days
and wef'ks of \e,isure to benetlCial uses.
ln,;tead human nature has desired
increa!'>inK 1rlli>ness, aversion to work,
covP!(1u:-ne-..�, de-;ire 10 ··(;F.T
. . mure and
morf' -and dt-.,:-.atisfaction with it 1f
successful in ih dcquisitinn
On the 1,tht>r hand. .;.<.'ience and tech
nolPg\ h,we not eradirated the fre­
ty rf'curring evils of recessions.
depre:;si0ns. unemplo\·rnent and intia­
tion. :'\'or ha\e thPy rescued adnlescent
fru-.tration. ,;taring a h1,peless future in
the lace. turninJ,! to imm()rality. drugs,
\ · iolence, and ··-too nften-,.uicide
After Rll. the principal cnntrihution of
,-.cience and technoloJ!;y to clnlizat1on
has hPen the de...elnpment of constantly
more terrifyini;:: .... -eapons of mass de­
"true! ion
rhis has brought us tn today's
�o. l problem-- ltl!M"N Sl'RVIV"L!
Srience and tet·hnology are not evil in
themsel...-es hut an important facet in a
good civilizatinn-if we had one. [t is
lhf' materlalistic CO"ifF.PT-the ap­
proach to life and its functions and
prnhlems from the materialistic "Gr.T"
attitude instead of the spiritual "c.1n:"
attit11de of outtiowing 1.on:
Fur that reason modern science is a
false mes:--iah� It threatens to become
lhe Frankenstein monster to destroy the
mankind that produced it
Aefore that happens, that great ··un­
seen Hand from Someplace" will inter­
vene ln world atfairs and save humanity
from itself! \Vorld PEAC[ is closer than
you thlnk Hut it will ha.. .
·e to come as
something done
mankind-not done
Bf self-seeking humanity' The world
will ha...-e to be set on t.oo's track-not a
maudlin emotional or superstitious reli­
�ion-hut a TRl"TH and way of life that
.\fAKES S.E!"<ISE and will C.H"St: peace. hap­
piness and eternal well-being�
Pastor General
Worldwide Church of God
\\"e '>U��e:-t the rP1tdn m1�ht like to read \1r Armstronl
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,klet, The -"•'Len La,(·.� 11/ :,,,'un·,·_.,-� which have heen pradict>d b.­
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Address Worldwide Church of Cod. Pasadena, Calif., 911:2:( or call toll frf'e
(.-l()(n . e:l-H-14 In California call collect 121'.H 577-:i'.!25.