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We thank you especially for approving Mr. Blackwell's request to give
us the opportunity to sit in on the Ministerial Refreshing Programme.
We consider it a priceless experience and wish to assure you of our
commitment to try to use the knowledge and information we have ac­
quired for the greater glory of God and to the benefit of His people
in our countries and wherever we may go. Of course, we also expect
to grow spiritually, as well.
We hope, as time allows, to be able to repeat the experience one of
these days. Thanks also to all the other instructors.
"Thanks for the Memories... "
Allswell Alaiko, Nigeria
Carlton Gordon, Tasmania
A poem and a card signed by the ministers and wives who attended the
fourth Refreshing Program were sent to Mr. Armstrong and the Program's
instructors. We are reprinting the poem for your enjoyment.
To: Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and Messrs:
Joe Tkach
Dean Blackwell
LeRoy Neff
Herman Hoeh
John Anderson
Robin Webber
Ralph Helge
Dick Burkey
Thant.s {io,'L the memo,Ueh
Glen Nice
Larry Salyer
Carlton Green
Stan Rader
Ellis LaRavia
Raymond McNair
Jim Snook
Greg Albrecht
on that eaflllf Monday moirn,
When eve'Lljone waii hu/Uty,<,ng and
out tlie do '1m.
Gene Hogberg
Dexter Faulkner
Larry Omasta
Earl Reese
Stuart Meier
Rod Matthews
The phogtwm got o(i (i to an eafll�r staJ1.;t, tho' l,l'e hahdtLJ bef,<,eve the sight
Watc.lung people ea:ting b1teaiz{iMt, in the m{ddie o (i tlte. ,ugh,t'.
Thank.s (ion the memo,'L,{e,
.s •••
the c.taMe,.s alt We.he gheat'.
YoLv'L labo,'L 011 tove
some.thing we :t'Luty app!tec.iate
Mc.e Systemh" to "Job Ve.s C.,
alM we weaft.ity sat,
and u.stened o(i ":Jemo�", "Vi1..'o,'1c.e: & Rema'L'1,foge", wlute ou'L bac.fz..s,ides tu.'L11ed to (iat'.
.s (ion the memo,'Ue-5
. . .
.some ughte,
'L moment.s by 11a,'L,
Wene. lea'L1i-ing to r;i.etd the. ,'L,{ght o(i tear;, and whe.,'Le to stop youtt c.a/1.'.
Ifi you 1ue'!e: (i,'Lom oLLt/6,<,de the U.S. "Tlti.s't apply" b,'1Cwght some taughte'L
And £.et'h not (io1tge;t M,
'L. Btac.k.tvelt'.s ad1.•fre, "Tliat'6 ctlt ,<,t hM to o(i(ie,'L"'.
Thank.,6 (io'L tlie,'L,{e,.s
. . .
.some wilt c.oHtinue to a .:<,r,,,<,te.
Like. ",'Lainbow .suspende'I.,5
and gtaBe.S we' 'Le totd, that a'Le the tate-5:t thing ,<,n ,.stute.
A ;t,'1,ip to tlie Btac.fw}'6 down memo'Ly Ccrne, you woutdn't liave be.ueved whct:t
M the.he
And dinne'L eac.h ltieek. with jofz.e,5 ove'L(itowi11g, "W{.,tlt a c.lianc.a (io'La newa joba ,.somrudie'Le!