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the cornerstone of this church era. We rejoice that the ministry may
once again speak with the resounding power and clarity which God
makes avilable to us, when we all speak the same thing. Thank you,
Mr. Armstrong, for following God's example and never changing in
your determination to preach the truth as God alone reveals it to
Though my wife, Joanne, was unable to accompany me to Pasadena we
rejoice together as we receive the benefits of this enlightening
course. It is a redeeming joy to be reassured that what we had
always accepted from you and believed from our beginnings in the
Church, is exactly what God wants us to continue using for the
development of His begotten children. We are grateful that Sa�an's
attempt to pervert the doctrines of this Church has been a tocal
failure. It has been a fateful lesson. A lesson we need learn
only once. Now we turn with happiness to the building of the Church
after having rejoiced all together at a Feast of Tabernacles more
spiritually bountiful than any for years. For, in this year, we
were truly all together.
Pastor Grateful for Prayers
Greetings Mr. Tkach:
Walter and Joanne Dickinson
Your prayers and those of all the brethren have been instrumental in
saving my son's life! He is recovering remarkably fast. Even went
to church under his own "steam" last Sabbath.
Please thank all who took the time to pray for him and our family.
It's like having him back from the dead. At one point he had not
breathed for a full 9 minutes. At the risk of sounding sanctimonious
I must say: "Our God is Good and Upright," as we sing. Thanks again.
Les Mccolm
Y.O.U. Guidelines Look Excellent
Mr. Tkach:
Thanks for latest guidelines on Y.O.U. from both Mr. Armstrong and
you. They look excellent. Looking forward to putting them into
action following the feast.
Lyall Johnston
A Privilege to Speak at Feast
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Special greetings to you from Cleveland! I wanted to take this
opportunity to write you and thank you for selecting me as one of
the traveling speakers at the Feast of Tabernacles. It was a great
blessing and privilege to be able to speak to God's people in both
Savannah and Detroit.