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Truly, this Feast was the greatest ever! There was more unity,
harmony, and singularity of purpose among the brethren than I have
experienced in many years. Everyone remarked about how inspirational
and powerful the messages at the Feast were. God's Church is back
on track, and Jesus Christ is using you mightily to make the Church
ready for His return.
It was fantastic to see you live via the hookups on the first and
last days of the Feast. I have never seen you more inspired and
powerful. Your sermons delivered a tremendous spiritual impact upon
all of God's people. We are all solidly behind you as you lead us
in fulfilling the great commission in these last days....
Mr. Armstrong, we are praying for the success of your upcoming
trips overseas. We are thankful that Mr. Rader is such a help and
support to you. His visit to Cleveland and Akron last month provided
a great spiritual boost for the brethren, and was a powerful witness
for the area.
Penny and I pray for you daily, Mr. Armstrong. We continually thank
Almighty God that He has called you as His Apostle to lead His Church
under Jesus Christ in these latter days. We know that God will con­
tinue to grant you the inspiration, wisdom, knowledge, and robust
health you need to shoulder the crushing load of responsibilities
Christ has given you. It is our great privilege to be able to serve
under you in this greatest Work on the face of the earth.
Guy and Penny Engelbart
Even the Unconverted Notice the Difference
Dear Mr. Tkach:
I thought I would take a moment and rush this to you ahead of my
festival report. Mr. Armstrong might enjoy this observation from
an unconverted local business lady. She has observed the Church's
Feast of Tabernacles for several years while doing business.
She said, "The people of the Worldwide Church of God have always
oeen happy, but this seems to be an unusually 'high' year. I really
see a difference even over last year.'' And she added, "Is there
some way you people can leave this happiness here? We really need
James E. Kissee
Comrr.ents From Monthly Church Reports
CADILLAC, MI., GERALD WESTON: This was probably the most positive
and harmonious Feast in the last 12 years or so. I don't believe
every Feast has always been the "best ever,'' but this one has to be
close to it for the largest number of people.
JACKSONVILLE, NC., DON ENGLE: Virtually every member I've talked
with during and since the Feast has expressed the greatest apprecia­
tion for the meaningfulness and personal fulfillment that this Fes-