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with you in Ministerial Services (and other depts) is totally
dedicated to carrying out the directives Christ inspires you to
give them.
Also, thank you very much for sending the wives in for the program.
As part of the team, they need a "recharge of the batteries'' as
much as the men do. We both appreciated the uplifting class about
the calling of a minister's wife.
Marc and Carolyn Masterson
Mr. H.
My wife and I just returned from a very enjoyable three weeks of
classes and fellowship at Pasadena, and want to join in with all
the others who have expressed their thanks. We do appreciate what
you all do for us. These classes are very much needed throughout
the ministry. It is very evident we were not all speaking the same
thing. We now have definite direction. It should really help to
solidify the whole Church.
One of the biggest enjoyments other than the classes was the
opportunity to get together in fellowship. We have not had
opportunities like this for a long time. Everyone in for the
Refreshing Program, along with the instructors, seemed to enjoy
the fellowship and opportunities to get together in good, clean
fun. We missed having you with us. We know this was not possible,
but if there was one thing missing it was not being able to hear
directly from you. Mr. Tkach and all the others did a very fine
job of relaying all your instructions to us. Thank you again.
Jim and Alice Reyer
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Always it is refreshing to receive information that is true, correct
and Godly. In the years prior, for those of us at Pasadena, it was
not always this way. We were encouraged by inuendo or point blank
threat, to digress from what we had always been taught by you from
the beginning of our contact with God's True Church. While we never
intentionally acquiesced, still the constant barrage of insidious
half-truths did tend to lessen our determination in various ways.
To return to Pasadena after being away only seven months, was like
a breath of fresh air. The personal cooperation and thoughtfulness
on the part of everyone, was in stark contrast to what had been the
norm for years. Before, there were those who were always thoughtful
and cooperative, who were the majority, but there was a healthy
minority who had a somewhat different and unusual ability to create
disturbing situations. They always had enough "authority'' to make
you wonder if they were really right.
Now, thankfully, this is completely changed and this Refreshing
Program again substantiates and reinforces our faith in God and our
trust of you as His Apostle. The material presented in this course
goes directly to the root and core of our spiritual life and re­
establishes the foundational doctrines which God revealed to you as