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Thanks for Church Visits
Dear Dr. Kessler:
Just a short note to once again say thanks for coming to the Dela­
ware churches on the Feast of Trumpets. For someone to visit two
small churches from Pasadena does reflect a serving attitude that
must exist in Ministerial Services and that's great!!! Also to hear
your comments directly from Mr. Armstrong is indeed refreshing. And
you have truly lived up to your words of "keep the faith and spread
it." For you have certainly done that in Delaware. Thanks!
Arnold Hampton
Mr. Armstrong/Mr. Tkach:
Just a note of appreciation for this past weekend's G-II visit to
Cincinnati by Mr. John Halford and Mr. Gerald Seelig. The Sabbath
for all here was a most inspiring and informative day. All the
comments after services reflected the same sentiment--an enthusiastic
and sincere appreciation that Mr. Armstrong has made these visits
The direct link to Mr. Armstrong and his team in Pasadena that these
visits provide is of inestimable value. The chance for the brethren
to have someone right from Pasadena show the documentary, update them
on the legal situation, put it all in focus with a strong and forward­
looking sermon, and then to answer directly and frankly the questions
asked is really great.
The people feel closer to Mr. Armstrong by having his loyal and
supportive representatives come. They feel more involved in the
trials faced by the Church, and much is done to foster the kind of
unity and oneness of mind and direction that God wants built in His
Again, thanks very much for the visit--we really do appreciate it.
R. Shorty Fuessel
Funeral Service Bears Fruit
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Greetings from Montgomery, Alabama!
This past week, September 3rd, I had the responsibility of preaching
the funeral service of one of our member's grandchildren.
(A baby
girl one month old.)
During the sermon I covered related scriptures
on the second resurrection in order to show the future chance that
the baby would have in God's Plan.
Well, to make a long story short, this past Sabbath, September 6, I
was informed by the grandmother that the family members on BOTH sides
of the family who heard the sermon AND the Funeral Director and his