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men are very dedicated and loyal to God's Work and to Mr. Armstrong.
That fact alone would have made the program a success and worth the
time and expense involved.
On a personal note, I do want you to know that I appreciate the time
you spent with me. I found you to be very warm and personable and
without question the most humble and balanced individual to ever hold
your office.
Thank you for your personal concern.
Britt Taylor
Mr. Tkach:
Just want to say thanks for allowing me and my wife to attend the
Refreshing Program. It was truly the opportunity of a lifetime.
Keep up the good work. We're all behind you. Thanks again.
Art Dyer
Mr. Tkach:
Just a note to say thank you for inviting my wife and me in to the
Refreshing Program. It was tremendous! I'm glad we had a chance
to get to know you. We certainly appreciate your tireless efforts
and hope to follow your example.
Please come up and visit us sometime. The members here would love
to meet you. How about Unleavened Bread or Pentecost?
Again, thanks for the program and all your efforts in Ministerial
Dan ane Barbara Rogers
Dear Mr. Tkach:
I'd like to thank you and all the others in Ministerial Services
and on the faculty who help to make the Ministerial Refreshing Pro­
gram what it is. All of you set us a wonderful example of service
and loyalty; I learned a lot from this example. And I deeply
appreciate the many hours of classes and all the instruction we
The brethren here were excited about the report on the Refreshing
Program and the sermons they'll be receiving after the Feast.
Sandy and I were happy to be able to meet you for the first time.
We also appreciated being able to be with Mr. Blackwell, Mr. Neff,
Dr. Hoeh, Mr. LaRavia, and all the others. We really benefitted
from these classes and the fellowship.
Thanks again. We'll be praying for all of you there each day, and
please remember us here.
David and Sandy Mills