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Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We really miss your physical presence here among us, though your
direct guidance is felt by all. It is a wonderful thing to be a
part of the refined ministry and Church of the living God. We thank
God daily for His massive amount of love directed at us through His
Apostle. This Refreshing Program is another outstanding example of
His hand.
John and Merrie Elliott
Mr. Armstrong:
For each week of the Refreshing Program we have had more practical
instruction in how to conduct our pastorates than in one full year
of sabbatical 1977-78. Thank you and God bless you as you continue
in the Work as His Apostle.
Lyall and Wynnis Johnston
Mr. Armstrong:
We want to thank you for the opportunity to be here in the Refreshing
Program. It was a marvelous way to be sure that we all have the
basic truths. It has been interesting and exciting to share this
time with the others. Thanks again.
Valden and Stella White
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you for the Refreshing Program.
It really is a refresher for
things we learned years ago, as well as an update on new revelations
of God's Word. May God continually keep refreshing your mind and in
turn ours.
Baird, Jr.
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you seems so inadequate until we put it in the context of our
truly respectful appreciation for what we are seeing accomplished in
this Refreshing Program.
In that context, Mr. Armstrong, we are
truly grateful.
Al and Florence Mischnick
Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you so much for allowing the ministry this fine Refreshing
Program. We are solidly behind you and desire to hold your hands up
as you perform this great Work. It has been great to be here!
Jim and Joan Tuck
Dear Mr. Tkach:
I want to thank you for a most profitable three week Refreshing
I came away totally inspired.
I was so impressed with not
only what was said but how it was said. It was so obvious that you