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this has to be the most profitable. We are anxious to return to
our area and teach the sound doctrine we have learned here. Thank
you for your direction ctnd for the men you have assisting you.
It is very evident that the Bride is once again preparing herself
for Jesus Christ.
Ray and Kathy Lisman
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
It is with the deepest sense of appreciation that I must write to
you on behalf of my wife and myself regarding the #3 Ministerial
Refreshing Program. Oh how good and how pleasant it is for brethren
to dwell together in UNITY! (Psalm 133:1.)
What a JOYFUL experience it has been to participate in this wonderful
program. The dedication of all the instructors in the classes was
very apparent. The benefits my wife and I derived from the Refresh­
ing Program will be long lasting.
We in the Ministry have been HUNGERING and THIRSTING for this type
of SOLID, GOD-ORIENTED instruction! How wonderful it was to share
experiences and to fellowship with each other in Christ at God's
very own College.
The Campus has never looked so lovely and the
students so wholesome and outgoing.
God is truly restoring His FULL BLESSING as the Work gears up for
Our prayers are with you Mr. Armstrong. May these comments be an
encouragement to you as the Refreshing Program was to us. From those
who LOVE YOU and APPRECIATE your God-given leadership for His Work!
Kenneth and Barbara Martin
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I have just returned to New Hampshire from the third
session of the Ministerial Refreshing Program and want immediately
to write and let you know how much we have appreciated this program
--thank you very much for it!
The classes are excellent and it was wonderful to be taught from the
Bible by dedicated, loyal, and humble men who were not speaking their
own words but were teaching the truths of God that He has put into
the Church through you.
It's so very encouraging to know that the entire ministry will have
the opportunity of participating in this program. It will be a great
help in building unity and a spirit of rededication in the ministry.
Truly, a time of refreshing and restitution is occurring in the
Church, thanks to God working through you.
Our family prays for you daily.
Dan and Barbara Rogers