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assistant now would like a visit from me to find out more of God's
Truth and to possibly begin attending Church!!!
Thanks for your ear. I was inspired by this news and thought you
might be also.
Paul Kurts
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
JACKSONVILLE, N.C.--DON ENGLE: The main activity this month was
conducting public Bible lectures in two cities (two nights each) in
the area. In Wilmington, there were 4-5 new people. In New Bern
there were almost 60! Serious interest was expressed by several.
One couple is now attending services as a result of the lectures.
Several members of a couple of churches in the New Bern area attended
the lectures.
BALTIMORE, MD--ROY DEMAREST: Great surge of baptism requests (15-20)
--many coming from young people who have been attending church for
many years.
KINGSPORT, IN--GEORGE ELKINS: August has been my most active month
since I have been in the ministry! The instruction I received during
the three-week Refreshing Program has made me a much sounder coun­
sellor, and a more effective pastor. Thank you Mr. Armstrong for
that tremendous training program! May God bless you as you complete
His Work of getting the gospel to the world!
GENEVA, AL--DON WATERHOUSE: Noticeable increase in PM contacts.
These are more interested in the important things (baptism, etc.)
than many in past. All are very supportive of Mr. Armstrong and
desire to know about his health, plans, etc.
HOUSTON, TX. NORTH--JOHN OGWYN: Things seem to be going well overall.
The attitude of the people towards Mr. Armstrong and headquarters is
very good. We have been continuing to get growth. Our biggest prob­
lem area is marriage and family problems.
RAPID CITY, S.D.--STEVE BUCHANAN: Appreciate the inclusion of the
many positive comments in the PGR on the Refreshing Program! We are
really looking forward to it! Also encouraging is Mr. Armstrong's
advertising copy reprinted in the PGR and WN. Just another indication
that God guided Mr. Armstrong's early training. Received Mr. Rader's
book; it was entertaining, informative, couldn't put it down!
APPLETON, WI--DAVE FIELDER: We're really excited about taking part
in the Refreshing Program. I'm glad we are hitting head-on this
assault by the State on God's Church. If the Feast is characteristic
of the progress in the last year, it should really be tremendous.
HOUSTON, TX. EAST--HAL W. BAIRD, JR.: Overall attitude of members
becoming more friendly and warmer as people keep getting behind Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong. They also are more open in expressing their
opinion of how the Work is getting "set back on the track.'' Seven