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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 5, 1980
Page 5
given to help the world understand God's truth. And hopefully we will
all work harder to do our individual part in preparing for God's coming
Thanks again for the refreshing program and for everything you have done
for us all. Warm regards to Mrs. Armstrong.
Art and Marie Docken
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We would very much like to express our gratitude for our opportunity to
attend the Ministerial Refreshing Program. You certainly named it
appropriately for it was truly a "refreshing" experience. Between the
sumptuous outlay of spiritual guidance and exhortation and Mr. Green's
fancy-fixin', it was like a three-week Feast of Tabernacles� It was so
encouraging to hear from men who are obviously loyal and dedicated
servants of God and continuously supportive of your position and work.
We most certainly enjoyed the Program, benefitted greatly from it and
are even more determined to do our part as your assistants. Again,
thank you very much.
Ken and Marki Smylie
A Special Word of Thanks for Prayers and Concern
Dear Mr. Tkach and Ministerial Services Staff:
I would like to take a moment or two to express our appreciation for the
prayers and concern for my wife Donna after her recent accident that
severed about one-half of her outer ear. Desperately desiring the praye1
and support from God's people, I telephoned Mr. Blackwell on a Wednesday
afternoon about what had happened. He gave us reassurance of God's care
and said he would mention it to others to pray about. There was no big
fanfare, but as a result of that conversation both my wife and I have
been joyously impressed by the concern of people in Pasadena. Each time
I have called Pasadena since then, the operators and personnel ask about
her condition.
Much has been said recently about the change of spirit and atmosphere at
Pasadena over the past months. The love and concern we have received
from the team at Pasadena PROVES to us that God's Spirit and attitude are
once again at the center of the Work, setting us all an example. Thank
you very, very much.
Roger and Donna Abels
Comment About Bible Study Tape on Galatians 3 & 4
Mr. Armstrong, I wanted to drop you this quick note to let you know that
after I listened to the tape of the study you gave on Galatians 3 & 4, I
had learned more about these chapters of the Bible than I had ever
learned during and since my years at Ambassador College. Thank you!
Ralph Orr