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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 5, 1980
Page 6
Weekly Letter Comments
Brethren in iield churches are most appreciative of the G-II visits by
ministers from Pasadena. The documentary on the State's attack, together
with the sermons, inform, encourage and inspire. Members also whole­
heartedly support Mr. Armstrong's informing of the public about the
State vs. Church issue through the full-page newspaper ads. And readers
overseas express their thrill at being able to receive The PLAIN TRUTH.
They see a remarkable difference between it and other magazines.
Ministerial Visits From Pasadena Inform and Inspire
We are writing to say a giant "thank you" for sending Dr. Kessler
and Mr. White to speak to us last Sabbath.
It was special and we
felt really inspired. It was as if we had heard you, Mr. Armstrong,
speak personally to us. We are also very grateful for the docu­
umentary film. We will pray that it bears good fruit in the up­
coming months.
--Ann Dean (Buffalo, N.Y.)
It was wonderful to hear Mr. Neff and Mr. Dean here in Augusta and
see the film on what happened at the College and what the attorney
general did. Those disfellowshipped members will some day have to
answer to God Almighty.
--Mrs. Josephine Oliver (Gardiner, ME)
I really enjoyed our recent services with Mr. Dean Blackwell and
Mr. Aaron Dean. The sermon, the film and the question-and-answer
session were very good. Thank you so much for this privilege.
--Mrs. Ida Rice (Burton, MI)
We all met together in Chicago this past Sabbath and had a very
fine sermon from Mr. Rader. I am sure everyone learned a lot from
him and was able to get to know him much better. We also appreciatec
the film showing the truth about the State's attack on God's Church
and the loyalty of the brethren in California.
--Mr. & Mrs. Robert Warden (Crete, IL)
Last Sabbath we saw the film on the takeover of the College by the
State of California. It is hard to believe things like these happen
in a free country. But, as we know, Satan has no restraints other
than when God directly stops him. The film certainly was inspiring
and encouraging. We are very thankful for the opportunity to see it.
After the film, Mr. Dibar Apartian gave a most inspiring sermon .
--Mr. & Mrs. Levi Troyer (Sugar Creek, OH)
Newspaper Ads Have Impact!
I do not have a T.V., so I did not hear Mike Wallace, but I liked
the advertisement asking him why did not not tell the turth. I
also liked the ads addressed to the attorney general. I certainly