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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 5, 1980
Page 4
Last Sabbath, I shared my enthusiasm with the Peoria and Macomb con­
gregations as I told how fine the atmosphere is at Ambassador and how
encouraging it was to be taught the basic foundational truths by dedi­
cated men of God.
Response from the congregations was extremely positive; there was again
an expression of gratitude that God has raised you up to set the Church
and College on the right path. The brethren are solidly behind you, Mr.
Armstrong. They want to do what is right and welcome strong leadership.
The opportunity to become better acquainted with Mr. Tkach and his staff
was really uplifting.
The spirit
them as if
among the ministers attending the Program was particularly
As a "home-grown" local elder, I knew none of the men
when the session began, but by the end I felt a bond with
we had spent years together.
anks again for this special opportunity to gain the grounding to
better serve God and the brethren.
Bob Druien
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Words cannot express to you the gratitude Marie and I feel for being
given the opportunity to attend the Ministerial Refreshing Program.
The subjects discussed were basic and clear--the very foundation stones
of our belief. The men conducting the program are of the highest quality
and displayed not only fidelity to you and God and the Church, but they
also are true leaders, having proven their zeal, dedication and love
throughout the years.
We can see more clearly now just how God is using you and this Church to
he a fountainhead of knowledge on earth. God's truth has been in the
Bible for centuries. Still God has used you, and is using you, to make
His truth understandable to
Of course the "Living Waters" of
God cannot be understood without God's help and His Spirit. But now God
is using you through your personal visits and sermons, your books, arti­
cles and other literature--yes, and even your ads written to the attorney
general--to make His truth understandable to all who will listen and
read with an open mind. Never again can man say, "We can't understand
God's Word." Now those who read our literature ana still reject the
truth can only say, "We don't want to understand." God is making His
truth available to the world througFlyou and this Church, and it is a
great honor to be your co-worker in this commission from God.
The refreshing program is truly refreshing and will help all of us to do
a better job. Certainly members around the world will also benefit from
what we have learned. Hopefully we ministers will strive more diligently
than ever to help our members envision the responsibilities we have been