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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 5, 1980
Page 3
Satan is the author of COMPETITION based on hostility, harm to the
opponent, GETTING by taking FROM an opponent--to his harm or loss.
God's way is LOVE TOWARD neighbor equal to love of self.
Competition in business which TAKES FROM or HARMS the competitor
is evil competition. Competition which HELPS the opponent by stimulating
him to do his best or to do better, but does not harm--rather benefits
the opponent--is healthy competition. So competition can be EVIL, or
GOOD, depending primarily on the attitude in which it is participated.
The very name SATAN means "Adversary." But Satan is an EVIL
adversary, who desires to HARM--who has a spirit of HOSTILITY. If it
has GOD'S SPIRIT of "GIVE"--help, encourage, co-operate, stimulate for
GOOD, based on an attitude of LOVE--it is right, not wrong.
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I are very grateful for having been included in this third
Ministerial Refreshing Program. After reading the fine conunents of those
who had taken part in the first two sessions, we came in anticipation
and with great expectations. They were more than fulfilled!
We are especially impressed with the dedication, loyalty, and humility
of those you have chosen to instruct us. The classes are meaty; leaving
us sati ied with practical scriptural guidance for our ministry. Ques­
tions to which we had received either conflicting or no answers in the
70s are now being answered forthrightly.
We thank God daily for raising you back up to turn His Church around.
Thank you for maintaining an intensive struggle to direct the Church
according to God's Word. The good fruit is everywhere evident.
Refreshed aptly terms how we feel through these sessions. We're looking
forward to putting it into practice.
Dave and Linda Fiedler
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Mr. Armstrong, thank you so much for allowing me to attend the second
Ministerial Refreshing Program. It was my first opportunity to be on
Ambassador Campus as a student.