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about what is going on around the world now. I really believe every
word written in it because the Bible is your reference.
--Mrs. Mary Malihan (Hayward, CA)
I have never written to you before and I have been reading The PLAIN
TRUTH for many years. It is really amazing to watch things take
place that you predicted years ago. I am sure no one enjoys the
magazine as much as I do. I can hardly wait till I receive it.
--Mrs. W. C. Ledford (Copperhill, TN)
The PLAIN TRUTH is really what everyone in the United States should
have to read. That way they could learn what is really happening in
our country. It is a very interesting magazine to read for anyone
who believes in Bible prophecy and what God is really going to do
some day to bring this world to its knees.
--Timothy Wian (Youngwood, PA)
My eyesight is not as good as in the past but I want you to know that
I still read and so very much enjoy your wonderful magazine, The
PLAIN TRUTH. When I open my mailbox and find your magazine inside,
I can hardly wait to begin to read. First I hurriedly go through
each page to find which article I think I want to read. I am always
searching for the ones that compare current events with Bible proph­
Often Mr. Armstrong's Personal is the first one I read.
--Mrs. Evelyn Melton (Dawson Springs, KY)
Readers Feel Closer to Mr. Armstrong Through His Personals
We especially enjoyed the Personal in the August PLAIN TRUTH. Thank
you for making us realize how very near we are to the end of this
age. We also enjoyed the human interest in the Personal. It gave us
an insight into your personal life.
It really made us feel much
closer to you and Mrs. Armstrong, learning about your house and
"family" of pets.
--Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Hall (Bridgewater, ME)
I have never before written regarding an article, but I just had to
sit down and tell you how very much I enjoyed the heartwarming
Personal from Mr. Armstrong. Since we all are a family, sharing
personal stories helps to keep close. Since Mr. Armstrong cannot
be with us all, I feel that his article filled a great need. As a
result of it I feel very close to the Armstrongs and their pets.
--Mrs. Paul Turner (Happy, KY)
I could relate to Mrs. Armstrong with her bird feeding. Years ago
I used to scoop snow away and feed the birds during the winter
months. In the summer we had birds making nests in our hedges and
also in our wren house. When I lived in Phoenix, I had a humming­
bird feeder, made my own syrup and got hours of enjoyment watching
the birds. Thank you for introducing us to Sir Hans. He must be
quite a lovable fellow. Just the looks of Leo is enough to keep
intruders out.
--Susie Hilton (Hays, KS)