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I almost felt like addressing you by your first name, Mr. Armstrong,
because only about two months ago I finished reading your tremendous
autobiography. I congratulate you on such a great and most interest­
ing writing. I was especially taken over by this because I knew so
well much of the territory and conditions which you also had expe­
rienced. But my hardships and trials were not so great and long­
enduring. So much of your autobiography was somewhat like reading
my own--places, people, conditions, trials and errors.
--Ralph S. Secor (Aberdeen, WA)
The one way you and I share a common characteristic is this: In your
autobiography you wrote about the need to know "why?" when you were
young. That is something which still too often gives me a problem:
At times I have questions and you answer them through God's Holy
--Harold A. Chapman (Sturbridge, MA)
I am reading your autobiography for the first time and am enjoying it
very much. I somehow feel very akin to you--the way you have desired
to soak up knowledge and wisdom like a sponge and how you have let
each experience teach you a new lesson. Most people don't let their
experiences teach them the way thoy should, but you obviously have
meditated on the things that have happened so that you could handle
them correctly if they happened again. I have always tried to be
that way myself. That's why I feel akin to you.
--Denise Walker '(Louisville, MS)
The purpose of this letter is to thank you,Mr. Armstrong,for writing
your autobiography. I have just completed Volume 1 and have gained
more understanding of how God's true Church did begin as a "grain
of mustard seed." This "grain of mustard seed" has grown into a
worldwide Work and God has used you as His human instrument. Today
you proclaim God's gospel of the Kingdom of God all over a confused
world that has forgotten their God and looks to human reasoning for
survival. Your detailed accounts have helped me to realize how very
differently God works from man.
--Alice Richardson (Brown Summit, NC)
Plain Truth Much Appreciated
The PLAIN TRUTH is an amazing magazine and I cannot thank you enough
for sending it. I read Time, Newsweek and other magazines but you
give us a look at the world that is unusual. I pass the copies to
other people to read and take some to our library.
--Mrs. Winifred Muntz (Hanover, PA)
I received the first PLAIN TRUTH magazine a couple of weeks ago. My
n�ighbor gave me the advertisement for ordering it.
I am really very
happy and thankful to you for sending me my own copy. My neighbor
had been receiving this magazine and she lent me some of her copies
to read. I read them from cover to cover.
I think it is the very
best magazine that I have read in my life as it tells the real truth