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We were so happy to read in the August PLAIN TRUTH that you have
some lighter moments and can enjoy your dogs and the other animals
around your home in Tucson. I've often wondered what you and Mrs.
Armstrong do for relaxation. I usually think of you sitting behind
a typewriter or in front of a TV camera. It is nice to know that
you have an opportunity to enjoy a small part of God's creation.
--Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Murphy (Sacramento, CA)
We have some very good news to report about the reprinting of two very
important publications. Mr. Herbert Armstrong has recently given instruc­
tions that The Bible Story by Basil Wolverton,and The Missing Dimension
in Sex by Herbert W. Armstrong be republished in a new style and format.
The Bible Story was originally printed in six volumes. It will now be
redesigned to fit into two 7 x 9 volumes with quality paper and a full­
color glossy cover, and will be published by the Church. The typestyle
and page layout will be improved in an effort to make it more readable,
but the original text will not be changed. Original drawings by Mr.
Wolverton will be retained. This new set will be offered free by Mr.
Armstrong to our members, co-workers and donors via an upcoming letter,
and will be made available for use at Imperial School.
The Missing Dimension in Sex is being published by Everest House in a
totally new format. This will be a 6 x 9 case bound book with a color
jacket for sale in book stores across the country. It will also be
offered free in Mr. Armstrong's next semi-annual letter at the end of
the year. This will be to the full PLAIN TRUTH list. Additional
material for this book is being worked on by Mr. Armstrong at this time.
We are all excited that Mr. Herbert Armstrong has decided to make these
books available to everybody. We all feel this is indeed another big
step forward for the Work of God!
--Publishing Services
Extra copies of the August GOOD NEWS, which will serve as this year's
feast brochure, will be shipped in bulk to various festival sites world­
wide before the Feast.
These copies will be made available to spouses and young people, and co­
workers and other feastgoers who did not receive a copy in the mail.
This will enable others who wish to use the special notetaking section
to do so.
Please remind brethren to take their brochures to the festival with them.
The August GOOD NEWS is full of informative, meaningful articles and��
features that brethren should review in relation to the Feast. Also,
using the special notepaper at the end will allow brethren to have the
feast articles and their
feast 11otes in one place.
--Editorial Services