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Thank you very much for being so dedic�ted to God and His Church.
f;rrJ Pverythir? ynu write very belpf1J
to me and am grateful to yoJ
for your most precious time to teach us of God. I, too, know you are
God's Apostle and count myself very blessed that God has placed me in
His Church.
I do daily pray for your health and guidance and the �rotection of our
Creator, and to continue keeping me in His Church. I thank God for
you and all those who follow you as you follow Christ. We thank you
very much for getting us back on the track to our God, and for all
your help and love.
--Betty Parker and Family
Weekly Letter Comments
This week's comments from parents and youths relate to the Y.O.U. and
S.E.P. programs. The young people appreciated the unique opportunities
and true values and Y.O.U. provided them. And Mr. Armstrong's visit to
each S.E.P. session highlighted an exciting summer for the campers. Other
letters show how God continues to intervene for those who trust in and
claim His promises of healing.
Youth Programs Appreciated
I am 17 and attend Church in Omaha, Nebraska. I am president of our
Y.O.U. chapter. With your guidance (Mr. Armstrong), Y.O.U.-has taken
on a new meaning. The program is centered around helping others and
developing character. Y.O.U. has helped many of our teens to under­
stand God's plan for His people. We have a weekly Y.O.U. Bible
study which is very important.
God's Church under your guidance gives me the strength and hope to
live a happy life knowing that someday soon God will put an end to
the evils of this world and set up His Kingdom.
--Scott Thomas (Omaha, NE)
This is my last summer as a Y.O.U. member. I just want to thank you
very much for the Y.O.U. program. Because of it I have been able to
do many things I would never have had the opportunity to do other­
wise. I only hope I have given as much as I could to it, but I
know it has given me much more. Thank you so much!
--Becky Dayhoff (Fort Meyers, FL)
I wish to express to you personally my thanks and happiness for the
opportunities I am about to encounter. I have been picked as one of
the four participants in the 1980-81 Y.O.U. Exchange Program. Thank
you for both the existence of such a program as this and for making
the funds available for it.
I am very excited about the whole
and experiencing another culture.
for your interest and concern for
idea of visiting another country
Thank you so much (Mr. Armstrong)
God's youth and all of the Y.O.U.
--Jeff Dowd (Hamilton, OH)