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FORT SMITH, AR--JOHN R. ELLIOTT: We're all watching world events closely
and appreciate Mr. Armstrong's interpretations of them as they happen.
Gene Hogberg's writings are a continual help. Keep up the good work!!
I have been seeing a growing delineation between the hot and the cold in
the churches here. As the church brethren work at preparing themselves
even harder now for the return of Christ, the "deadwood" in our midst is
clearly settling out
many cases.
OAKLAND, CA--CARLTON SMITH: Mr. Rader's visit on the 29th was the high­
light of the month. There were many comments afterwards as to how great
his message was.
SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA--LES MCCOLM: Everyone really enjoyed and profited
from the tapes we played at Bible Studies this month. Seems they
answered a lot of questions as to what the public thinks of God's Church.
PUEBLO, CO--CLINT ZIMMERMAN: Good attendance at the Denver meeting and
good attitudes also. People were disappointed that Mr. Armstrong was
prevented from speaking but were complimentary of Mr. Blackwell's sermon.
BISMARCK, ND--DAN CREED: Circumstances
more demonstrating those who are really
playing games with being in the Church.
making those who aren't fully committed
are really coming to bear more and
deeply converted and those who are
It seems that pressures are
to their calling to finally drop
GLENDALE, CA--RON LAUGHLAND: Christ, through Mr. Armstrong, in giving the
Church a sense of direction and unity, has brought about a calming and
eling of togetherness.
Members Grateful for Truth From God's Apostle
On Sabbath my wife and I sat through four hours of some of the most
inspiring information that we hadn
t heard since our early college
days at Ambassador College. We want to personally thank you Mr.
Armstrong for the God-given wisdom in seeing fit to send Mr. Water­
house down to speak to us.
I think that we had to admit to ourselves and repent of the fact that
we, too, have been affected by the de-emphasizing of a number of
Biblical truths which you as God's Apostle, and ministers such as Mr.
Waterhouse, have continued to preach down through the years. I know
that Carol and I look forward now to the future with even more enthu­
siasm and a renewed, more positive attitude than ever before.
We remember you in our prayers and thank God continually for the
inspiration He has given you.
--Ted and Carol Mann, (Perth, W. Australia)
Mr. Armstrong, I want you to know that we love you very much, and
are grateful to our God for sending you to us, to teach us of His
ways. I'm very happy to be a member of God
s true Church.