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I received Mr. Rader's book this week. I only planned to glance through
it and read it later when I had more time. I ended up reading the whole
book. It is as gripping and exciting as any action novel; in fact better,
because it is the truth. Please convey our deepest thanks for his book.
PORTLAND NORTH, OR--RICHARD D. DUNCAN: The Church really appreciated
seeing the documentary and hearing from Mr. Rader personally. His dedica­
tion and loyalty to Mr. Armstrong and the Work of God were very apparent.
Mr. Rader's faith and positive remarks left the members uplifted and
PORTLAND EAST, OR--JIM HAEFFELE: The brethren really appreciated Mr.
Rader's visit to Portland with the documentary film and his address on
the legal situation in the Work. They have come to appreciate how God
is using his talents to aid His Work at this time.
We're very impressed with Mr. Armstrong's ads in the L.A. Times. All the
brethren love to see a real fighting spirit and they're proud, in a right
sense, to be a part of what Christ is doing through Mr. Armstrong.
PORTLAND WEST, OR--DAN FRICKE: The Church continues to grow in stability
and expectation as Mr. Armstrong emphasizes the nearness of the end. Mr.
Rader's visit gave people much more insight to him as a person and left
the people greatly inspired.
COLUMBIA, MO--RICHARD RAND: Baptisms are up 133% so far this year. Of
course, the base is small but it's so encouraging to grow again! Mr.
Rader's book was so interesting I read it in a week and I am a slow
reader. I also enjoyed the interesting anecdotes about Rubinstein, having
just read his new book, My Many Years.
LAS VEGAS, NV--BERNIE SCHNIPPERT: Attitudes good. People trying to get
their lives in order for the coming end of this age. I love Mr. Herbert
W. Armstrong's ads regarding the Attorney General.
VICTORIA, TX--DENNIS VAN DEVENTER: The Putnam radio interview of Mr.
Rader was very effective and helpful. It was very well received, and we
look forward to more such tapes whenever possible. The membership here
is very loyal to Mr.Armstrong, and they are becoming better acquainted
with Mr. Rader now through the Pastor General's Report, WN, and such things
as this interview tape. They were quite impressed.
Thanks for the fine support and leadership given through the Pastor
General's Report and the special tapes which make for special Bible Study
presentations. These are a real help to the local pastor in directing
the members toward strong meat and toward the leadership God has given us.
SANTA BARBARA, CA--LES MCCOLM: Everyone really appreciated the tape of
the interview with George Putnam and Mr. Rader. Some were almost cheering
when Mr. Putnam got angry with the irate callers.
HARLINGEN, TX--DENNIS VAN DEVENTER: The members are very supportive and
enthusiastic. The films we had for Bible Study were really effective and
inspiring. The members are loyally behind God's Apostle and His Work,
and as a whole they stand ready to serve in any way possible. It's a
pleasure to serve these people.