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Thank you for your perspiration and inspiration. And thank you for
getting us all back on the right track. We need you, pray for you,
and love you as a father. God bless and sustain you.
Warren and Marti Heaton III
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Not only the words spoken during the lectures, but the spirit and
intensity have made much clearer to us the awesome responsibility we
as local pastors have as ambassadors for Christ and Mr. Armstrong.
We feel more necessary and needed as a part of the team.
Oneness!! This is what my wife and I feel.
Oneness in thrust,
doctrine and fellowship; oneness in enthusiasm to help prepare God's
chosen people to become born sons of God; and oneness of all of us
"holding up the arms" of Mr. Armstrong and all on his team.
Warren and Marti Heaton III
Pastor Expresses Special Thanks to Mr. Armstrong
My wife and I want to write and tell you we love you very much and
appreciate your faithfulness and dedication to God all these years.
We appreciate deeplv the knowledge of God's way of life, which has
been revealed through you and handed to us on a silver platter.
We also want to thank you for taking the time to encourage us in
the June 27th Pastor General's Report in the section, "Special to
Ministers and Wives." It means a great deal to us.
We hope you realize we loyally support you, Mr. Rader, Mr. Tkach and
all those on the Pasadena team. We are thankful for our part in
God's Work and desire to serve in any way possible.
--L. Jim Tuck, Huntsville/Florence, AL.
Corrunents From Monthly Church Reports
Having been at the campus on July 4-8, I can now
say ''firsthand" that there truly is a spirit of cooperation, peace and
impartiality at the Work's offices in Pasadena. We had always believed
the reports emanating from Pasadena over the last 12 months that there
was now more of an uplifting family atmosphere there. But now, having
been there ·with my wife, and remembering how it was before, we can attest
to the absolute validity of this. The barriers, the whispering, the
politicking, the partiality were nowhere to be found. A renewed respect
for Christ's leader, Mr. Armstrong, and a first-love zeal to conduct the
Work God's way was very evident.
SHREVEPORT, LA--BILL BRADFORD: We notice increasing expression of support
for Mr. Armstrong, and support for the Church in its legal battle with
the State of California. People are eager to hear news from the Pastor
General's Report, especially anything Mr. Armstrong may write.