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Dear Mr. Armstrong:
What a blessing it is to be able to participate in the Ministerial
Refreshing Program. The men and their wives have been so cooperative,
so willing to participate in each activity and so thankful to be a
part of the class, that their wholesome attitude actually helps in­
spire the teaching.
God's Spirit is obviously leading the way in bolstering the unity in
the ministry and setting His Church back on the right track.
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for instituting the Ministerial Refreshing
Program. It is very inspiring for each of us on the staff here in
Pasadena who have the opportunity to participate.
Jim Snook
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
This summer has had special significance to my wife and me, as we
have just observed our tenth wedding anniversary, as well as marked
the completion of ten years of service in the Work of God's ministry.
We feel there could not possibly have been a more appropriate way in
which to commemorate this ten-year milestone in our lives than to
have had the wonderful privilege to be here at Ambassador to parti­
cipate in the Ministerial Refreshing Program. We wish to thank you,
as well as so many others, for making this program possible.
Truly, we have been "refreshed"! Of all the ministerial meetings
and conferences of the past ten years, the present Ministerial Re­
freshing Program is certainly the most positive, unifying, and up­
lifting. Doctrinally, it has been a solidifying experience. My wife
and I feel even more firmly grounded in the truths and teachings of
God's Church and God's Apostle.
As we prepare to return to our church area, we are aware of a renewed
dedication and enthusiasm for the great Work of God, as well as a
renewed realization of the sobering responsibility we have for those
whom Jesus Christ and you, as God's Apostle, have entrusted to us.
We pray for you always, and we want to thank you so much for your
prayers in our behalf.
Al and Suzanne Kersha
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I are thrilled God has called us to "hold your arms up"
as His chosen Apostle. We can most clearly see that God has inspired
you to institute these three-week refresher courses, and "refreshing"
they are! Not only in the most beneficial lectures, but in the up­
lifting conversation and beautiful surroundings. These classes will
have a tremendous impact on the local congregations in developing
oneness worldwide.
There is a noticeable positive and converted spirit about the minis­
ters, staff, and students.