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Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wi
and I have found the Min�ster�al R�freshir,� Prograrr. rnGst
I for one cteeply appreciate the straight, frank answers that are
coming down from you through these lectures. Particularly helpful
to me have been the lectures on interracial marriage and dating,
divorce and remarriage, demons, baptism and disfellowship.
However, the lectures such as the ones on current events and prophecy
have been fascinating.
Thank you very much for this fine program, and we want you to know
that our prayers are always with you.
Brian and Bobbie Hoyt
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I are very grateful to you and the Living God for the
privilege of being in Pasadena for the second session of the Minis­
terial Refreshing Program.
Six years ago I finished a sabbatical (in 1973-1974) which was
filled with an atmosphere of negativism, cynicism, intellectualism
and liberalization of God's truth. During these last three weeks it
has been so refreshing to receive positive, unifying ministerial
instruction. The reality of teamwork and unity is now apparent at
Pasadena. This is due to the Ministerial Services Team's concern
that we all speak according to your direction and guidance rather
than our own.
For fifteen years, Cherie and I have heard the approach of many
leaders, and now former ministers, who have spoken their own
words of wisdom." They did not evidence conscientious concern for
pleasing God's Apostle while doing God's service. This is the only
way for all of us in the ministry to go. We must speak the same
thing. The Refresher Program is the avenue of instruction that will
enable unity to increase and multiply as we support you as the spear­
head to finish the Work.
Gerald and Cherie Witte
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We have just seen and had a part in some more of the good fruit of
putting the Work back on the right track. The Refresher Program was
great--much better than anticipated. It thrilled us to see the unity
in the ministry and the loyalty of your team at Pasadena. We'll do
all we can to convey that spirit to our local area. We can definitely
see God
s guiding hand in every step of what you are doing to get all
of us ready for God's Kingdom. Thank you for the opportunity to get
better tuned in and rejuvenated.
Ken and Elaine Mattson