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This will work much as a library loans books. The Church will still own
the headsets, but the individual members will now be responsible for
keeping track of the equipment.
Amplifiers and leads will still be
provided, but the members will need to bring their headsets to services
every week for themselves.
The brethren will also need to bring the headset they have checked out
from the Church to whatever feast site they plan to attend. This will
help feast planning by helping reduce the duplication involved. We must
emphasize, however, that only the Telex headsets may be plugged into the
hard-of-hearing lines at the feast. Any others will not fit the amplifi­
cation system. There will be a few headsets at each site for any unfore­
seen need.
Since the members will now be responsible for their own headsets, they
must also become responsible for breakage and abnormal wear. If the
equipment receives proper care, it will last for years. Any abnormal
wear or abuse may, at the discretion of the pastor, be the responsibility
of the member. Hopefully emphasizing each person's responsibility will
lessen this problem.
If anyone has any questions or problems about how to administer this pro­
gram, call Glenn Nice at Ministerial Services.
Appreciation for the Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
When I first was told that we were coming in on the new Refreshing
Program, I asked "Why so soon after sabbatical?" That question is
thoroughly answered: this program so far surpasses the sabbatical
that there is no comparison�
There are simply no adjectives that touch the impact the program has
had on my wife and myself. Our whole desire is to put it into prac­
tice--to really start to do our part, and more. Without reservation,
this session has been a spiritual high point for us.
The biggest single concept has been the reality that God is leading
the program through you, and that what is said has come from and been
approved by you personally. That is tremendous--and we thank both
God and you for it! We truly appreciate your diligence and energetic
pursuit of God's Great Commission to you and the Church. We are 100%
behind you in it.
One final thought. Just yesterday we viewed the Festival Film--it
was really beautiful. But one thing really struck me--literally to
tears of anger--that you have not been able to be here now for over
20 months. On the very campus that God built for His Church through
you--that a group of
men have
been able to prevent your return to
this beautiful oasis!
I now pray daily for your return--in triumph!
May God continue to bless and strengthen you--we love you and pray
for you daily.
Mark and Jana Cardona