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I constantly marvel at the many improvements in the Work of God. I
just received the news that Y.O.U. will have a different emphasis,
allowing the Spirit of God to be expressed more frequently. Taking
away competition among the brethren and young people will eliminate
one more of. Satan's tools that he uses so effectively in this world.
At the same time the right spirit will be acknowledged and stimulated
among the youth of God's Church.
--Nilo Azerdo (Pasadena, CA)
I can't express how grateful I am for the opportunity to serve God's
Work and His youth by being a counselor here at God's S.E.P. summer
You can be sure that we all here are supporting God's governĀ­
ment with you (Mr. Armstrong) as its physical head and Apostle
under Jesus Christ. God's Spirit is truly working here to make it
the best camp ever. I really feel that God is working through you
more than ever to fulfill the prophecy of Malachi 4:6. Young hearts
truly are being turned to their fathers here at S.E.P. I would also
like to thank you for sending some of the field ministers to the
camp. It has added the maturity that was lacking.
--David J. Meyers (Pasadena, CA)
My two sons recently returned from summer camp and we want to thank
you so much for coming to talk to the campers. It was the highlight
of the whole session for my sons. I've been with the Church and
listening to you since 1951 and haven't been that close to see you,
so they are ahead of me.
--Mrs. Erwen Case (Nucla, CO)
Our daughter just arrived home from camp. Your visit to Orr meant
a lot to her, and being able to shake your hand is something she will
never forget. Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for caring for our children.
--Mrs. Sherry Bassinger (Post, TX)
I have been attending God's Church for nine years. Recently I
graduated from high school and realized that this world is backwards.
It is sure being destroyed by man. It has never appeared so plain
as right now--but I have to keep on living in this world, or
specifically in the U.S. where the teenagers smoke marijuana and
have no sense of values whatsoever. I am grateful to God for giving
me the opportunity to be a part of this great Work. I can surely
find peace of mind right here in the U.S., in the midst of all the
confusion that Satan has stirred up.
--Alice Richardson (Brown Summit, NC)
God's Promise of Healing Being Fulfilled
We have great news! Amina, my eight-year-old daughter, who had a
brain problem, is completely healed thanks to God through anointing
and prayers. She is well without drugs, medicines or operations.
God is truly kind and wonderful ar.d has again come to our aid.
--Mrs. Sandra P0pe (Bronx, NY)