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We appreciate very much the input which you ministers give relative to
Ambassador--especially your evaluations of prospective students--and pray
that all of you will continue to be very positive toward the College.
Thanks again for your steadfast, dedicated and loyal support of God's
College. We hope you will be happy with the fruit of Ambassador College
--as more and more students who have been taught God's way join many of
you in God's human harvest field.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
Last year Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong authorized the publication of a 1980
Envoy. The book has been completed and is due back from the publishers
around September 1. Shipments will be sent to Feast sites in the U.S.
and Canada since Mr. Armstrong has agreed that the Envoy should be made
available to the brethren at this year's Feast of Tabernacles.
The 1980 Envoy is the largest single-campus book we have ever published,
since previous large editions included the three campuses. This year
there are 224 pages in all, with almost 60% of the book in full color.
The 1980 Envoy is special this year in three ways: (1) Our cover is the
most original one ever designed for an Envoy, featuring a landmark that
has become synonymous with Ambassador College; (2) three different paper
stocks were used to emphasize the three main divisions of the book (all
of the highest quality); and (3) not only have we covered Ambassador and
its various activities, but a special 48-page section has been dedicated
to covering God's Work worldwide, including Mr. Armstrong's travels, world
offices (pictures of directors in each area and office personnel), the
Work in Pasadena (the major departments with pictures of personnel), the
Feast of Tabernacles, and a map of the world showing various church loca­
tions, festival sites, and world offices.
It is truly one of the best Envoys we have ever produced!
You may wish to inform your congregations that we hope to have the new
Envoy ready for distribution at the Feast sites. It will cost $15.00
per copy, and Mr. Armstrong has said it is O.K. to pay for this out of
second tithe. Some time during the Feast of Tabernacles, information
will be provided telling how and where the brethren can procure a copy
of the new 1980 Envoy. Because of the shortness of time, we plan to have
the publisher ship a certain number of Envoys directly to each feast site
in the U.S. and Canada.
We believe you will all be pleased with the 1980 Envoy--and may wish to
give a copy of it to a friend or relative. We think you will find the new
48-page ''focus on the Worldwide Work of God'' section especially interest­
ing and informative. And we will appreciate your comments and suggestions
so we can make future Envoys even better.
--Raymond F. McNair and
Dennis Robertson,
Director of A.C. Publications