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About seventy Japanese students recently completed a three-week course
of instruction at Ambassador. They were instructed in English, American
history and culture. The Japanese students and their chaperons were all
quite impressed with the Ambassador campus, with the students and the
A.C. faculty.
During the sununer 102 students were enrolled in summer classes here at
Ambassador. In addition to this a number of Continuing Education classes
were conducted for employees and local church members who wished to en­
roll in such classes.
The new 1980 Envoy is coming along very well. Mr. Dennis Robertson
(Director of College Publications) and I have gone over the copy for the
new Envoy, having scrutinized the page proofs from the publisher, and
both of us think the 1980 Envoy will be quite a book. Mr. Armstrong
told me it would be O.K. to sell the Envoy at the Feast of Tabernacles,
as we have done in the past. (More important information about the 1980
Envoy appears in an article immediately following this update.]
The annual Faculty Reception will be held on Thursday evening, August 21,
at 7:30 p.m. We all look forward to this gala occasion. It is one of
the highlights of the year. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Armstrong
could be in attendance at this Faculty Reception, but it doesn't look as
though they will be able to make it.
Mr. Armstrong informed me today that he definitely intends to speak to
the students during the coming college year--thinks he may speak to them
via a special video hookup. We certainly hope so. This will both en­
courage and inspire the students as well as the faculty.
The following changes have been made in the curriculum for the 1980-81
college year. Mr. Armstrong has decided that both Music Appreciation
(to be taught by Mr. Gerald Bieritz) and a typing course will be required
of all students--except those who can pass a 40 w.p.m. typing test. Also,
for the coeds, Mr. Armstrong has directed that Home Ee is to be required
of all women students.
And in order to further strengthen the curriculum, Principles of Living
and Marriage and the family will be a two-semester course instead of just
one semester as in the recent past. This increased emphasis on marriage
and the family, and on proper understanding of the principles governing
a happy courtship and marriage will better enable the students to fulfill
their God-ordained roles in life.
I am sure all of you will greatly look forward to seeing the 1980 Feast
Show which Mr. Ross Jutsurn, Director of the A.C. Band and the Young
Ambassadors, has put together for the soon-coming Feast of Tabernacles.
Mr. Armstrong has already seen the show, and liked it very much. I am
sure you ministers, your wives and children will also enjoy this show
very much during the Feast.
I am happy to report that all is coming along very well with Ambassador
College. Ambassador is back on the track. Now, we want to pick up speed
as we continue down the track which Mr. Armstrong has set for us. We
must gain momentum, and make sure that we are properly training the future
leaders of the Work of God and of His Church through this instrument--
the West Point of God's Church.