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I would just like to take the time to express my appreciation to you
for your perpetual and exhaustive interest, dedication and devotion
to God's Work and His people.
Does the sun ever set on your work day,
Mr. Armstrong?
With all your effort on our behalf it seems you must
have 48 hours in your day, considering the amount of work you get
--Mason S. (Passaic, NJ)
Thank you, sir, for being so strong, lifting up your voice and showing
us our sins against the Father in Heaven, and against His Son, Jesus
Mr. Armstrong, I have known your name all my life, but I
never rea
zed just how important and awesome your job is until I was
baptized almost two years ago.
Even now, I am still learning.
you for doing your job faithfully, and for your love and strictness
with telling us what we need to do to shape up.
--Kim M. (Ozone Park, NY)
Thank you for the time, leadership and the great wisdom we are learn­
ing from you, by the example that you, with your white hairs of expe­
rience with God, are showing us as we round the last corners of this
--Shelby & Marietta G. (Azusa, CA)
Semi-Annual Letter Has Impact
The letter Mr. Armstrong sent to us, dated June 10, 1980, was very
I too believe that we have but a short time before the Work
is completed.
I enjoy being a part of this Work and having a human
leader like Mr. Armstrong in charge.
--Raymond S. {Taylor, TX)
How comforting it was to receive your letter (June 10), and be given
more insight into the approaching times.
Your writing sustains and
strengthens us all. What a wonderful father figure you are and how
deeply we all appreciate all the information you deliver!
--Mrs. Charles T. (Shreveport, LA)
Your letter of June 10 sure has put me to thinking that this civiliza­
tion is nearing its end.
--Mrs. E.B. (Smithfield, KY)
Thank you for another warning to us.
Your letter of June 10 made me
more aware of our short time.
As for me, I am determinted to stick
to God like glue.
I pray daily for God to lead and direct you in His
God help us to be ready for the Groom when He comes.
--Mrs. Rose M. (Washington, DC)
Thank you for your June 10 letter.
Everything you write is informa­
tive and spiritually uplifting.
--Mrs. L.L. (Tampa, FL)