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Weekly Letter Comments
In the letter conunents selected for this week, members are thanking Mr.
Armstrong for his loyalty to God, dedicated leadership of the Work as well
as his love and concern for the brethren. Other letters show that Mr.
s semi-annual letter to all PLAIN TRUTH subscribers has had a
great impact. Becoming more aware how fast world events are fulfilling
prophecy, people were sobered into realizing that the time left may be
very short.
Members Thank Mr. Armstrong
I just wanted to take a little time here to first of all say "Thank
you" to our Great God in Heaven. But thank you also, Mr. Armstrong,
for your loyalty and the example throughout your life that you have
set for us in God's Church. You truly are the one and only one in
this age that can be called Apostle.
--Barbara E. {St. Louis, MO}
I read your letter recently. I wish you could realize how much joy
I receive from reading your letters and from seeing and hearing you
on T.V. and hearing you on the radio.
sure thank God that He called you to be His chosen pastor on this
earth to tell us the Truth.
pray for you and your wife and all
the pastors of God
s Church twice every day. I am 87 years old.
Please excuse this poor writing. God has given me very good health
and all the money to purchase everything I need since I heard you
on the radio many years ago before you came on T.V.
am going to increase my freewill offering this year. Every time
increase my freewill offering to God's Church I receive much more
joy and peace from God.
May God bless you and your wife and all the pastors of God's Church
abundantly every day. Also may God bless all of His Church.
--Lemuel A. (Sunbury, PA)
Thank you so much for the continual support, prayers and spiritual
guidance you give us. As the time grows shorter, we realize the
fervent prayer and renewed effort that is needed
our part. May
God be with you in doing His Work on this earth. Mr. Armstrong,
thank you for loving us so much.
--Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. (Mt. Vernon, WA)
Along with my first tithe is this note to tell you how grateful I
to God for you. I pray every day for you because you have a tremenĀ­
dous responsibility. When I think of someone who is 100% loyal to
God, you automatically come to my mind. Mr. Armstrong, you are an
inspiration to me!
--Brenda G. (White Oak, PA)