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PAS'l'OR GENERAL'S REPORT, August l, 198 O
Page 10
About the same number of brethren are expected to gather in Luecate,
France to keep the Feast there this year. Three other French-speaking
sites are situated in the Caribbean in Haiti, Martinique and Guadeloupe.
A total worldwide attendance of 1500 French-speaking brethren is expected.
There is further news about the French PT--La Pure Verite. It is now to
be printed in Kentucky (same location where U.S. Plain Truth is printed)
and dispatched from there to Canada, Europe and the Caribbean. A good
savings in cost is realized by this move, and international airmail fa­
cilities for the magazines should help delivery time in many areas.
Canadian Office--Mid 1980 Summary
The midpoint of 1980 has been reached and it's appropriate that we look
at progress thus far in what has been an exceptional six months for God's
Work in Canada.
First off, the month's results: Income held steady at a 27.5% increase,
slightly down on last month's 30% due to a slowdown in receipt of mail and
a public holiday at month's end.
Ad responses continue to be a major contributor to the overall figures,
with 12,915 requests beinq received. Donation mail was up considerably-­
the recent clarification on third tithe practice has had quite a marked
impact. Total incoming mail for the month was 29,058 pieces.
The ad campaign test of the UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY newspaper
flyer has gone according to expectations, yielding a one percent return.
80% of respondents have requested The PLAIN TRUTH. A check on the compu­
ter listing shows that 91% of the requests are unduplicated showing, on
the whole, that a new audience is being reached. Plans are now well under­
way for the fall campaign.
Now for the six-month analysis: Mail figures show 263,360 pieces pro­
cessed in the first six months of 1980. This represents a 173.3% increase
over the same period in 1979. Donation mail is up 13%, regular mail up
52.6%, reply cards up 19.5% and advertising response up 1,368.3%!
Church figures up to May 31st reveal attendance up 8.2%; new visit re­
quests up 35.2%; baptisms up 57.6%. By way of an encouraging contrast,
disfellowships are down 75.5%. Currently around 8,800 people attend ser­
vices in Canada each week.
Who Is This Lady???
Can you identify the Miss Julie Mae Smith who was baptized on June 14,
1980 somewhere in the United States? We received a Baptism Notice con­
taining only her name and the date of her baptism. Since there are many
Julie Smiths in our computer files, we cannot process her baptism notice
until we find her address and who baptized her.