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Iris and I toured the auditorium under the inspiring guidance of
Roman Borek. I'm ashamed to say it was the first time we had taken
the time to see all the ins and outs of that fabulous building! I
wonder how many here in Pasadena day in and day out have never pausec
long enough to take such a tour? Only after one sees the marvelous
edifice through the eyes of Roman and hears the unbelievable statis­
tics that are involved both in the building of it and the performancE
given, can one understand how wonderfully God is guiding His Apostle
for this age in putting before the eyes of everyone His own majesty
and glory! Only a few of the ministers and wives were able to avail
themselves of Roman's tour of Ambassador Auditorium. I hope the tour
which was two hours long, will be stressed as an essential part of tr
coming classes. Roman and his well-trained Auditorium staff are to
be highly commended. We all thanked them from the bottom of our
The saddest part, and the only sad part, of these last fourteen,
eight-hour days of classes was in the parting of all the others who
had to leave. But we can rejoice that they will be passing on to
their congregations all that has been learned!
Selmer L. Hegvold
French Director Visits Quebec Churches
Mr. Apartian has just returned from an extended visit to Montreal, Canada
where he met with all the French-speaking ministers in Quebec. It was to
acquaint himself with the local situation there subsequent to Mr. Arm­
strong's decision to place the French-speaking churches in Canada under
Mr. Apartian's direction.
Mr. Apartian found the churches there to be growing, and the ministry
warm and friendly, and strong. Meetings were conducted during the week
commencing Monday, July 21st. There are five French-speaking churches in
Quebec now, and several manpower changes have been effected.
Montreal P.M.
Montreal A.M.
Quebec City and Trois-Rivieres.
Colin Wilkins, Pastor
Mario Ricci, Ministerial trainee
Bruno Lederc, Ministerial trainee
Donat Picard, Pastor
Bob Scott, Pastor
Henry Sturcke, Pastor
Mr. Bernard Hongerloot is working in Montreal under Mr. Maranville who
pastors the Montreal (English) congregation, and he translates all of Mr.
Armstrong's letters into French. Mr. Wilkins also oversees the French­
speaking churches under Mr. Apartian's direction.
Mr. Apartian also visited the French-speaking feast site in Canada located
at Sherbrooke. The services there will be held in the auditorium of the
University of Sherbrooke. Motel accommodations are available within a 10-
mile radius of the hall, and around 650 brethren are expected to attend.
Mr. Apartian mentioned he plans to visit the Vancouver office soon to re­
inforce relationships in administering this part of the Canadian churches.