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here. The team is relating to us what you have taught through the
There is a spirit of unity present in all the classes and social
functions we have had. The camaraderie shown is excellent.
One cannot express in words how much the program has meant to us.
I am sure the incoming groups
men and wives who will attend the
Refresher Program will find it equally inspiring.
We love you, Mr. Armstrong, as our spiritual father and Mrs. Armstrong
for her dedication to you and God's Work. You both are a constant
light to us in the ministry.
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Jim Friddle
We want to thank you with all our hearts for the wonderful privilege
of participating in the first Ministerial Refresher Program. We are
very appreciative of the solid instruction in the things we first
learned from you. It will even further unify the Church by making it
possible for us all to speak the same thing and provide a basis for
sound, righteous judgments. The attitude of our instructors,
ministers, wives, and staff was wonderful to experience. Surely fine
evidence we are back on the track! We love you Mr. Armstrong. Our
prayers are for you every day.
John and Evelyn Ritenbaugh
Our sincere thanks for allowing us to participate in a magnificent
programme. It was well planned and well administered.
Thank you Mr. Armstrong and your staff.
Steve and Harlean Botha
Just want you [Mr. Joe Tkach] to know: God has taken us, individually,
and led us by the hand! The first Refreshing Course, and the ones to
succeed are the answer to prayer. God has taken the Church, as a
whole, by the hand and put us on the track once more. But, through
the refresher classes, He is putting each of His ministers personally
back on the track.
Mr. Roy Holladay, at lunch yesterday, asked me if I could think of
any subject that had not been covered in detail in these three weeks
of instruction and guidance. My answer had to be, "No." You, and
those who taught alongside you, had thoroughly covered the ground!
My wife and I deeply appreciate the time and enormous amount of
prayer and preparation all of you put into the input from Mr. Herbert
W. Armstrong to all of us. Thank you all!!
Never in any previous conference or Feast of Tabernacles has there
ever been the wonderful opportunity to meet, get acquainted, and
fellowship with so many ministerial couples. God has more purpose
in mind for all of us than we can realize at this time, and I know
we all sensed it by the time the last class was over yesterday after­