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As of July 25, we have heard from 92% of those who comprise the church
attendance figure for the United States churches.
However, that means
there are still 5,493 people who haven't told us where they plan to attE
the Feast!
Please announce to your congregation that whether or not they will be
able to attend, we do need to hear from everyone.
Making sure each feas
site has the proper11umber of members attending, plus sufficient ministe
and volunteer workers, is an important job.
We need to make certain tha
everyone is accounted for to insure proper Festival planning.
We understand that due to job, or other considerations, many brethren
must make plans at the last minute.
We would like to ask those who can
tell us their plans to notify us as soon as possible.
We are still accepting transfers to every site with the exception of
Hawaii and Rapid City.
Thank you for your help!
--Festival Office
We are pleased with the continued growth of The PLAIN TRUTH subscription
The Waiting Room Subscription Program in progress in many U.S.
church areas is producing excellent results as verified by a number of
Mr. James Friddle, Nashville, TN, reports an excellent 41% response from
an initial 600 contacts.
By the time the program is concluded, he esti­
mates his members will have contacted nearly 1,500 businesses with an
estimated 500-600 of them added to the subscription list.
�r. Ken Smylie, Lenoir, NC, reports a 54% response from the 26 towns and
cities in the Lenoir area.
Mr. Terry Mattson, Winchester, PA, relates that 45% of the waiting rooms
called in his area would like a subscription to The PLAIN TRUTH.
Mr. David Orban, Knoxville, TN, who sent in 93 pages of new subscriptions
reports that 18 members in his area contacted 1,175 waiting rooms, 510 of
which have requested a free subscription.
This is a 44% response from th
nine county Knoxville area.
The diligent efforts of our church members across the U.S. have resulted
so far in adding nearly 2,500 new businesses and libraries to our sub­
scription lists; each one with a potential for more growth.
If you are
interested in increasing the exposure and PLAIN TRUTH readership in your
local area, we would strongly suggest that you take a second look at the
Waiting Room Subscription Program.
Reports have shown that members reall
enjoy getting involved ir, the program.
--Publishing Services