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Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thanks most sincerely for the Refresher Program just completed.
Charlene and I are extremely grateful for all the actions you have
taken to direct the Church and the Work according to God's Word. I
am sometimes saddened and frustrated because of wasted efforts while
we were "off the track," but now we see a clear track ahead and are
determined to use the knowledge received the past three weeks to
cleanse and build the congregation you have asked us to shepherd.
I have tried to support whatever "administration" was in effect, but
I really see a dedicated effort to support you and follow your direcĀ­
tion that I have not seen before. Thanks again for all the time and
effort you have put in, in order to give us clear direction in many
foundational principles.
Norman and Charlene Smith
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I are attending the three-week Refresher Course. Words
simply cannot express how good it is to be here and have eight hours
per day to hear the Truth taught in its purity. To hear the doctrines
"once delivered." It's hard to believe that two weeks have already
gone by.
Something else has impressed us. And that is the personal conviction
and enthusiasm with which the lectures are given. There is warmth and
unity here.
As we were leaving to attend the Refresher Course, the last thing many
of the congregation said to us was, "We are looking forward to your
return to hear what you will receive." We are charged with a desire
to do just that. We will try to reflect the spirit of unity and zeal
we are experiencing here.
We continue to pray for you and the great Work that God has called you
to do. Thank you very much.
Dennis and Lena Doucet
Anne and I feel that this is a superb program! We can't think of a
better way to accomplish what God's Apostle has said
essential in the ministry: that we all speak the same thing! It is
inspiring to us to see the change of attitude on the campus from
conferences in the past to one of unity and cooperation. It is
inspiring to see the men in charge of this Refreshing Program
emphasizing loyalty to God and to His Apostle, Mr. Armstrong. They
not only speak it, but reflect it in everything they do!