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tion relating to the State of California's attack on the Worldwide Church
of God and discussed in detail the controversy that has raged around God's
Church since the second day of 1979.
The radio audience was informed of the flagrant and unconstitutional
attack by the State of California and the subsequent receivership. It was
described as being a bizarre episode in constitutional law, a classic con­
frontation between state and church. Mr. Rader described how a few
dissidents with grievances against the Church fell in with a disreputable
attorney, and how from that developed the deceitful and illegal reactions
of the State. He then reviewed present conditions relating to the case.
Phone lines were then opened and Mr. Rader answered questions from inter­
ested listeners. When the program ended, Mr. Budwell complimented Mr.
Rader for his ability to "communicate very well."
Friday evening, ministers from Eugene, Salem and Portland met for dinner
at the Benson Hotel, an old and classical building in downtown Portland.
Mr. Rader gave personal insights into the events of the past 18 months,
relating how those events affected Mr. Armstrong and the Work.
Combined Sabbath Services
Combined Sabbath services were held at a local theater. Mr. Kotora gave
the sermonette which described being spiritually clothed and protected
for these end times, and then the documentary film ''Church versus State"
was shown.
Mr. Rader spoke to 1650 members from the Portland, Eugene and Salem con­
gregations, and gave current data about the status of God's Work since the
receivership was first imposed in January 1979.
Mr. Rader compared our struggle as typical of the persecution of God's
Work throughout its history. He referred to the book of Acts and Paul's
persecution as paralleling the persecution the Church is experiencing
The persecution of Paul would have resulted in bringing his ministry to a
close, but he appealed to Caesar just as we are appealing to a higher
court today. Paul was permitted to continue the Work of God until his
part in it was completed. The same will hold true for us today, said Mr.
Rader, because we have God on our side.
In spite of the persecution of the Church by the State, he said the growth
statistics for the Work are impressive. Responses to radio and TV ads and
the newsstand distribution of The PLAIN TRUTH are now up to four percent,
which compares to a previous one percent response. Church membership is
increasing, income is up and the Work is thriving in the face of powerful
Mr. Rader left us with the clear picture that the Church is mobilized and
moving forward to accomplish the Great Commission!
His inspiring message
was met with an enthusiastic response.
--Morgan Tovey, Deacon, Portland West