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Attorney General
of California:
NowIwill tell you ,vhat
happened-when you say I
''siphoned off millions every year!''
have a right t o
know' True, I t raveled
around the worl d --still do.
You said -and fron t - page
banner headl ines screamed
across t he nat i on ·-t hat I was
"siphoning off millions of dol ­
lars of church funds every year
for my personal account . "
Now [ tel l you - -and the na ­
t ion-what
ha ppened on
t hose arduous trips.
You should have ascertained t he true
fact � before vou tiled the massive rivil
lav.•sui t again�t the uvIN<; (;oo and His
C'hur<·h-ins..t.E:>ad of anept(ng at faf'e
value t he alleg8lions of ex-members:.
In Japan I "Poke to s.evnal public 1rndienc es.
The ,Japane!'i.f' govnnment ronferrnl on me the
highe!',{ de(orntion ever given a nonoffici11.! alit>n.
At His Imperial MEljt'sty's invitat'1on 1 enjnyt-d a
;\5-minute priv!lte audience with Emp.-ror Htro
hito - Only Hi s Majesty , hie, intnpreter, the
l 'nited States arnb&ssador and myself were
pre�f'nt together. Trn ranking mf'mheN of the
Impt-rial ,Japanesf' DiPt call thPmsPlves m\'
".lapanf'st" sons_" l am hi�h\y rt><Jpenl'd and
\1>\·ed In ,lapan and mam; othn , ountrif"S.
ln ,Japan
ha•,re spoken on manJ (,cca.�i(/ns
both to puhl ic audienres and at hanquets
attended hy royalt.y and otticia/s high in gow•rn­
Let me tell you what l ;,,aid to the">t" P\..lblit
a\..ldil"n\es. 0,nd tshese- important ga\herin);S. l give
you here one example as a gi�t uf all such
I said: "Y,Hl are a generatii,n dPstined to live
in TWO WORLOS-the present evil ....urld uf MAN,
and \he soon-e:oming PF.A("U\•L wm\d of GOD(
The very fin,t rrl:"ated man -ance'>lor n{ all
rat·l'i, was ctt"Ettt"d in thf" ima1;e of COD. He was
made to have a personal relatiun.�hip with the
Creator - to be ultimately born into thf' verv
(fo·ine immortal Family of tht> living GOU Bu·t
he fl'jeeted Cod as his Maker , Ruler. Re\'ealer ,,f
ha<:.k knnwled�e and niver l'I' Hema! life'. He ,·u\
,,ff, from UOD , himst'l f and the world that
!Should spring from him!
"kut that God
love, merc-y and forg iveness
!lOW proclaims the GOOD NEW� tCrn:.,pel ) that we
tnl'I)' be reconciled tu our Creator hy the qf
His. Son ,Jes.U!I ('hri.;:.t that """" ma', \'et re. , e1ve
l hat blessf'rl ,'-;fJ1'oSHIP and be �ORN ,V;Ai .
,..-To fHP.
My spn· ches hefore public audit'nces WNt' 40
to 60 minutei. in length--20 ti• :lO minutel. at
;mpqrtant banquets or suc:h l uncheons as Rut1;1. ry
Cluhs, Lion 's Clubs and othf'rs Rut tht a.hi.1ve
�ummarizes a gist
A Nf;w NA. TION was in proq:,s.� of �>f'ini;: formed
in South -WP"'\ Afrwa Reprf'SPnlaliYe� nl ' \ \
popu lation grouµs had heen in se�si,in sinfe
Septembn. 197� . in a r,m,;tituti. .nal c, m�'entwn
a t Turnha[le. Tht"y wt"re draftin1c a cnnstilution.
formin!i; an intnim l;<>\'f'!nment and work;ng to
afhievr indepl"nri.-nri> hy Dec. , 3 1 . 1 9-;'I
I w,u, invited to vil\il S,l\llh-Wbl Afrirn and
address thst conventiun on the suhJeet of form
in� a t'•mstilutiPn for a NF."' NATI0!'<
I addrr<i<;ed
them un M,)nday night, \1arch 1 4 . 1971 Hrrf" is
a hr1ef summary uf my adrlre,ss to t his convi>n
tion uf natiun founder<:;
· lmnwd1ately aHt>r the nealion (,f the first
human. {}nd the Creatur rrvealt>d ttt h"1m the
(;OVF.RNMIO:NT ur Goo and its W O n, J.IJ;"K The
hasic constitution of that Cu\.ER�MENT or Gnn
was the WAY of "(;1n: " meaning m1tfl"wi11� lo�·f'
and concern for lht, welfare of others as
,,ppt>!W<l. \{' the \I/a•, of "t,ET" that ,if s.elf
n·ntnednP><S , en\·y, jn1lousy, ('tjmpftition. strife
and vtulenCt"
Hut that tirst m1rn, Adam, rejt-t·!ed the i;ov .
t:RNMfi:l'iT or (;oo and its basic constitutional
Law of LOVE �:\'er slnce , mank i nd has formed
man',;,, ,1wn g,J\·ernnwnt,- and a s,,ciet.y haeif'd "n
the ,-e-\f-cf'ntered way And rnan has prodwecl a
world f1., ]J of evils. unsolvahle pr,,b!t•rns. human
injustices and at{tmies.
· ·And that," I said to these n,nst 1tut ion
foundns , . . is !he w,>rld in whi , ·h .Yot1 i;:t>nll,•mer,
are l ah,1ring h<:"re lo f.,rm a �I:""' (,0\ l'K-.; 11,H'.N·r · ·
\ urg,ed them tn dt) a he1tn joh- tu form a
cum,lilution pattNned as much a:.- was for them
possihle 01 1 the prinl'iples of lhe t:OVERNMFNT 01
( ;01 1
I mentiont>d h,,._.. the �overnments of man
are nm,,.- toppling ahout onf' a munth.
On Saturday night , ALI!!: 0, lY/7, I arldres!-.t'd a
\arge p\1hlir ,1.11di+"1w� in Monr1wia, Lihli"ria.
re J 11 . , Jd pt>nple of thaf rnuntn: i,f the
�es,;age CO( ) sent mankind by .fPsus Christ a
\1t"S,;ag� st1ppressed. unpre,u·hed to the world
sinrt" mid tirst ,enturv
I tran•d the c,,urse uf
this prest"nl trouhli>J :.,. or]d, titled wi th hum,rn
sutfering I anrviunced the N�:..,- :,1, {(;o'!-,pe\l
of thf' soon romin,ii K1Nc ;nm,1 OI' (;on, The livin�
t · hri"t will ,.,, ,r,n intnvene will e,-.tahlt�h H1 :-.
1 10\fK-. .. W"JT -lV...r . � 1 1 na t i 1 1n-. of the earth H. .
-,...i l l tt-:.1,·h a l l ptanple!, C( l lYS " "'' Hnd brtnl{
l'iLJRf f• l'F.A• F, llllf 'Pl',F',..'S ,1 1 1d Mer11al ..;al,,iti"n [ < I
�n· �.nr:l Ttv-,· 1· '1s :1.l> v�"d:1.\rnin)I.: \ , , tl-wm \he ! rtH'
/,i�t I ){'c. .mher I 1-1·"'"' the in\ i1ed g,w,t ,,f
the ( ' , ,n,m1 1n1 �t p.., ,ple'
Ht·puhlic uf ('hina
tht> l irst arid
s,) f;ir fl'- I know. lt>adt>r frqm
( ' hr : • t i 1:1 1 : i l \ to b(·
hv thnt g,,,·emnwnt I
and my pMty "'ere t(,: all� lr{·al( ' d h\ head� .,(
that 1arift'�I n.Hi,,n or1 , , anh '
I h:'!.rl a fHi \a t en11,• huur , , ,nfert·nce wi th \'ir+"
Cha i r rrnrn ran Zhr·n hn , nr.,.. of the two vi,'t'
.-1'1,iirmen, anrl d rl<>st' a-.,,;,,._ ialt· in thf ren1lut1on
wit h the liir e \Lo Zt-d,m,: anrl Zh,· ,u Fnla1. I had
,·,m(f'rf'nc·e..: Wlih both (.he prt' >'.tdent ann
president of Edurnti,,n in ( ' hina wht·re
t\1e g 1 1vrrmnen t is re�p(1n�ihle for the teachings
and hi•lief,i of the wh,,!e pt"ople
For nt-arlv 40 mim;te!-. I sp,,k
lo an ,iss,-.m
hlal{e . , f .. HJ(/ learlrng ,· ir 11ens and ,,tfo ials 11f the
l{overnmenl l �po\ce ,rnuther 40 minute� to the
dipl , im:1l il' n>rps v.·ith amhas.;a<l{tr� rt"prr
".. nting 76 , ,tl1�r nati r,rn, prP,;ent
J ' o tht·m I deli\·ered the !-amt' rne<;sal{e - the
e\"il� ,-utfned i n thi s present w, ,rld emph11siz
inK that all +.'1 1 1.1 !Jt>en caus,ed hy l i\'irlK the
.,..ay l,f "'1.�:T . . !n,;tec1d ol' " t;J\ I'," l spoMe lff man ' o;
etforts thr, fugh time tu furm nev.- and heller
hllman t,O\FHNl\,IF.NTs hut the present world 1s
in Stlt h tr,111hle that it would ..;,eem the ONl Y HOl'f.:
,,f lil l_\t ,N .',l 'RV!\AL 1t..., tltlW in the \'i"f)' immt
nent sudden inten·ent inn , ,f an um,t'en ··Strong
Hand i'!Drn S\,mevlar... . '' Alll-\ l ann11un<·t>1i hi
them � he con11 -.f_w, n ;o,,pell that sueh a rww
W(1rid will ,'limp ,n mir timP'
I n tht" Pt, ,lipp(ne-. I ,;;poke un <;url'es"i�·e
n;j!hl.<;, in 11-ie Coli.'if'Um, m Manila, tn puh/ic
audit"nt·es of l l .1)00, l2J)l)0 and J 4.00(\ with the
pe-n;t, g»ud \A.'i�he'> 1 1 f P::b1(it>ni Fl'rdi n(>.mi E.
Marco1-, and ! h t' presenre of h i f> rnc , ther ,m the
plc1tforrn. I ha\e spoken t o largr audi<:"nces al l
1J\Pf Europe, :\ '. :;ia, Afr1eii, and tn lt•adl"rs 1n
Centrdl and �ou! h Arn..ricfl_ Also larie au
<liences in Australia
Of Tlf°''l:'""ity I wfl.., M t'11mpanil'd hv my ne-:es
s;.arv siatf and new of (lssi>.tants n-.e total
apµrnpr1at ion for th.-se 1 ; ,lspel pr.,daimi11g
!nurswas f he vny 1,-mallf'!-<1 on (he annual hud
i,f 1 hr Worldt,1,·ide Ch1 1rd1 of C,Ki unrler S i
md! iun p,·r _i P�r
_,\•,m TH<,T I\; Y.\\�T vn: H,\\' € TWt�TFO, Mr
Att, , rney Crne tal. on testim11r1y of ex memhl:'r�.
t,, rnPHn t hat I w!is � i
,honing ,,tf mill1 , 1ns ,,f
dr , l lar� everv �ear tD my pri\·ate per,;una!
affi>tmt' Thf' i,eople han• a ri�ht ln knuw tht>
TR.I · 1 H a.ll,Jut p,,liti<"ally mlit1vated f<1l.,e
.flllt:>iat lum, f:'rroh\av>nP,I l,v the irnbli,· mf'dia
Hr:HH�-,n W AHM"nw·w�
Pai>\,1r Cenl:'ra\
('hureh of G,Ki
Th11Sf' who would ltke lo know ffi()Te of the truf' (;,�pel \1t>ssligt" now being
proclaimed worldwide should requt>st tht" l'RFf t"ye or)t"ning 'noo '1dt"L Just
What D
t>x. Mt>an -RORN A(lA /.\'?
Write the Worldwide Chureh of C.od , Pa,;11dena, Calif, 9 1 1 21, cJr rail
tol l ·free ' 800 1 423 HH. In Califurnia c!lll rnllect ( 2 1 :H �i7-.'l�25
I f yo� have some q uestions for the attorney general of thf' state of
California , write to hitn, The Hon. neorgf' Deukmejian, C'alifn rnia AttornPy
General , 555 Capitol Mall . Sacramento, C11, li.f. , 9fiB\4..