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We who are here for this three-week period cannot help but be re­
dedicated to do everything we possibly can to ensure that the con­
gregations entrusted to us by Mr. Armstrong all �egin to help hold
up his hands as never before, as he is led by Jesus Christ to fulfill
the Great Commission.
Thank you for the privilege we have had bestowed upon us by being
included in this first session.
George and Anne Elkins
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I would like to take this opportunity to express our
thanks to you for your tireless example of devotion and dedication
to God and His Work. We both consider it a great privilege to serve
as a team in the ministry, feeding the flock and backing you up in
the Great Commission.
We were fortunate to be here in Pasadena for the first series of the
Ministerial Refresher Program. The classes are outstanding and
should prove effective in getting us all to speak the same thing.
Being together with ministers from all over the nation and the world
for three weeks gives us all a chance to really draw close to one
It also allows us younger ministers to benefit from the
wisdom of those with many years of faithful service. Thank you for
initiating the program.
As my wife and I look back over the many blessings we have received
as a result of being a part of God's Work, we realize that God's
blessing and your willingness to become a "living sacrifice" for the
Work have made these blessings possible. You have truly "practiced
what you preach" by living the give way.
Our prayers are with you daily as are the prayers of the Richmond
and Norfolk, Virginia congregations which we serve. May God continue
to richly bless your efforts. Your recent articles in the PT and GN
are outstanding! Please keep them coming! Give our regards to your
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Warmest regards,
Kenneth Giese
This is one letter I have begun a hundred times in my mind through
the years.
I never was sure if you would see a letter I sent you,
but now I know it is possible.
I guess more than anything I just want to say THANK YOU!
I thank God that through you my eyes were partially opened to a better
way as I approached my teenage years. I was spared much of the grief
experienced by peer pressure and premature dating and marriage, plus
the insecurity of an unknown future. Whenever my family was frustrated
or down,there was always a minister to call upon.